BELFAST.—Mr. Shaman Crawford, it is understood, will be one of
the successful candidates.
CARLOW.—The Carlow Morning Post announces that Counsellor Finn, candidate for this town, Mr. O'Connell's brother-in-law, has joined the Conservative party there against Mr. Vigors, a Protestant gentleman, the popular candidate.
CORK COUNTY.—A number of gentlemen, at the head of whom are Lords Shannon, Donoughmore, Lismore, Kingborough, and Ennis- more, have put forth a spirited and at the same time temperate decla- ration against the Radicals, whether Reforming or Conservative, who are at present engaged in rendering their respective creeds ridiculous. They invite all wellwishers to Ireland to unite along with them on the following principles-
" To uphold the legislative union between this country and England; be- lieving, as we do implicitly—adopting, too, the language of the venerable, honest, and efficient member for Waterford, that the dissolution of that Union would, at no distant period, insure the downfall of both Islands.' To seek, with a fair and equitable protection of all vested rights and existing interests, a complete reformation of the Tithe system, and of Church property in general; convinced, as we are, that any tax levied under the name and designation of tithes will be obnoxious and hostile to the peace of the country; and that the present system of church-rate should be no longer suffered to remain a subject of irritation and just complaint. To carry the principle of Constitutional Reform into full and salutary effect, advocating a revision and amendment (where neces- sary) of the Grand Jury and other Jury laws, and the simplification of all laws for the preservation of peace and the protection of life, liberty, and property,— that the administration of justice may be cheap and speedy, as well as impartial. We offer the foregoin,g merely as manifestations of the principle on which a moderate party may beneficially interpose between the extremes of discordant feelings in this country ; and we trust that candidates will come forward who will be entitled to support by their accordance with those principles, by their stake in the county, by their characters and respectability. It is on those qua- lifications the constituency of the county should, in our opinion, rely for a faith- ful execution of the trust."
DUBLIN UNivEnsrm—It is rumoured that Sir Thomas Staples, the King's counsel, and an LL.D., has announced himself a candidate for the representation of the University.—Dublin Evening Mail.
LIMERICK COUNTY.—It is expected that a son of the late Mr. Pa- trick Russell, of Charleville, will offer himself for the representation of this county on the Repeal interest.—Limerick Chronicle.
MEATH COUNTY.—The Conservatives, who have started a candidate, the Honourable Mr. Plunkett, can calculate on only about 250 of the whole number, 937.
TRALEE.—Mr. Maurice, O'Connell has been canvassing the electors with great success. Several members of the Corporation give him their support.
Youcitni..—The Dublin Evening Post says that Mr. O'Connell is projecting the return of another young O'Connell, one of his nephews, for this borough, and with that view is going thither to organize an opposition to Mr. Ponsonby.