Inc Court.
The King and Queen visited Kensington on Saturday, in order to pay their congratulations to the Princess Sophia on her birth-del'. They returned to Windsor in the evening. On Tuesday, the King came to town, accompanied by Sir Herbert Taylor. Immediately on his arrival, he held a Court; when Sir Thomas Denman an was introduced to his Majesty by Lord Melbourne, and kissed hands on his elevation to the office of Lord Chief Justice of the King's Bench. A Privy Council was afterwards held; when Sir Thomas Denman was sworn in as a member, and took his seat ac- cordingly. At the Council thus held, the Royal proclamation on the subject of the detention, until further orders, of all Dutch vessels, was agreed to. The King returned to Windsor in the evening. The Castle is in a state of bustle, in consequence of the approaching removal to Brighton ; whither a number of the servants and pad of the suite of their Majesties have already gone. The Princess Eliza- beth, it is understood, will take up her abode at the Pavilion during their Majesties' stay there, and the Duke of Susses will also be a per-. rawest petit. The Dutchess of Kent and the Princess Victeaca returned to town yesterday; having paid a visit to Windsor Castle on their progress frora Oxford. At Oxford, on Thursday, the Convocation presented a loyal address to the Princess on the occasion of her visit to that arteient and learned city; to which her Highness returned a most gracit.uw answer, the composition of which does small credit to her Highness's Secre- tary. He was created a Doctor in Civil Law by the Convocation, in compliment to his station; but had he been created a. Masterof Com- mon English, the honour would have been of more value. We are often told of the extreme solicitude with which the education. of the young Princess is watched over : could none of the learned persons, male or female, that are appointed to direct it, contrive to prevent such a document as the following going forth from the Mother of the Heir Apparent and the Regent Elect of the Empire ?
"We have great reason to value very highly the manner in which- you receive us. We close a most interesting journey by a visit to this University, that the Princess may see, as far as her years will allow, all that is interesting in it, The history of our country has brought her to know its importance, by the many dis- tinguished persons, who, by their character and talents, have been raised to emi- nence from the education they have received in it. Your loyalty to the King, and recollection of the favour you have enjoyed under the paternal sway of his house, could not fail, / was sure, to lead you to receive his niece with all the disposition you evince to make this visit agreeable and instiuctive to her. It is my object to insure, by all the means in my power, her being so educated as to meet ihe just expectations of all classes in this great and free country."
It is no imputation on the Dutchess of Kent that she is but imper- fectly conversant with the language of her adopted country, but her Secretary ought to be better instructed.