Clic Country.
The Duke of Wellington arrived at Dover on Thursday, at one o'clock, to hold a Harbour Sessions. Most of the neighbouring nobility and gentry in the vicinity attended. The guns from the batteries fired the usual salute, and a guard of honour attended at the Sessions-house. Flis Grace appeared in excellent health and spirits.-11forning Post. [Our worthy contemporary is critical in his phrasing—the nobility- are time Duke's neighbours ; the gentry live in his vicinage.] An Association has been formed at Newcastle, composed of clergy- men and laymen, members of the Church of England, for the protec- tion of the Church Establishment, and for the promotion of Church Reform. Their resolutions are abundantly kind towards the institu- tion which they profess to protect. They wish for a few more Bishops, and they have no objection to give up tithes for a fair equiva- lent. They would not be vexatious from the mere love of vexing.
A Court-martial has been sitting for some days past at Norwich, on several privates of the 7th Hussars, on a charge of mutiny. On the 26th of September, the men refused to obey the orders of Colonel Keane, the Commanding Officer. They were on parade ; and when he gave the word " Attention," they stood stock still. He seized hold of the right-hand man of the troop, and having pulled him from the ranks, caused him to be immediately tried by Captain Bathurst, who was ill in bed, Lieutenant Russell, and Cornet Shelley. The pri- soner, whose name is Pitman, was sentenced to 200 lashes, which he received at the time. This restored discipline in the troop. It ap- peared that the men complained of too strict a drill; but this, Colonel Keane and the other officers state, is unfounded.
The inhabitants of Newcastle have resolved to subscribe, and they call on others to subscribe, towards a national tribute to Mr. Cob- bett, as due to the sufferings and losses he endured in the cause of reform, especially at the period of his imprisonment for denying the right of Courts-martial to flog Local Militiamen, and also as a mark of gratitude for his long, persevering, and able vindication of the rights of the people.
The inhabitants of Rochdale have set an example which we hope to see extensively followed throughout the country. They have drawn up a memorial to the King., most respectably signed by merchants and banktrs, praying his Majesty to withhold his consent to the iniquitous and senseless aggression meditated against Holland.—Mornizig Post. Uire there no inhabitants in Rochdale but merchants and bankers?] At the late Weyhill fair, such was the uncommon glut of wheat, that a farmer who had arrived on the ground with a waggon-load of wheat, • draw by six horses, intending to load back with hops, was obliged to . take back his wheat for want of a customer, and hired another waggon more than from 10s.. to I Is. per bushel.,Tatinton -Courier. to:177 home his hops. The best Taunton seed wheat did not fetch The Halifax Express says—" We Cannot note much alteration in the state of trade this week. We may observe, however, that the same activity still prevails among our spinners and manufacturers, and the same eagerness to purchase is still visible amongst our merchants. Low stout broad cloths, about es. per yard, are a little advanced in price, and the demand is increasing. The stuff trade is very brisk, and the prices for six-quarter-wide merinos and other fine light goods are ad- vancing." At the Huddersfield market of Tuesday last week, according to the same authority, the amount of sales transacted was very good con- sidering the wetness of the day. At Halifax Market, also, the business done in stuff goods was consideraole, and likewise at Heckmondwike Market. The blanket trade in the neighbourhood of Halifax is in a very flourishing condition.
One of the candidates for the Pottery borough, calling at the house of an elector, who happened to be from home, was accosted by the worthy dame with " How do you do, Mr. — Jam very glad to see you:
I have known you a great many years." " Yes,"replied the candidate; " I hope you are well—I hope Mr. — is well ; I have called to so- licit his vote." " I am sorry he is from home," rejoined the old lady: "lie has promised the other three candidates ; and I am sure he would promise you, he has known you so long."—Sktfordshire Advertiser.
On Tuesday last week, about nine o'clock in the evening, a fire was discovered on the farming premises of Mr. Warnes junior, of Aylsharn, which destroyed a straw-stack, a wheat-stack, 'containing about fifty coombs of grain,- and a barley-stack adjoining.—.Norwich East An.: Oen.
On Friday evening last week, on the premises of Mr. J. Clowes, of • Neatished, a large bay-stack was destroyed, an entire barley-stack, six- teen yards long, and a large double barn filled with wheat and barley.— Norwich East Anglian.
On Saturday night, a fine stack of wheat and a stack of barley, the property of W. Gorringe, Esq., of Kingston, near Shoreham, were completely consumed by fire. The conflagration is considered to have been accidental.—Brighton Guardian.
On Monday evening the 5th instant, several hundreds of the rabble of Chard made a bonfire in the centre of the town ; the police at- tempted to put it out, and in the attempt were pelted with stones and injured. The mob then proceeded to the Guildhall, part of the build- ing of which forms the prison, set it on fire, and broke nearly every
pane of glass in a large Gothic window. At this time the mob made a
most formidable appearance : it being supposed from 500 to 1,000 persons were assembled; and it being impossible for the civil force to
quell the disturbance, the worthy Magistrate, the Reverend W. B. Whitehead, repaired to the spot, and the 7th Dragoon Guards (a troop of which are stationed here) were called out, which soon put an end to the disgraceful scene.—Dorset Chronicle. [This is "a bit of local," and done as such tid-bits usually are—brown. "The mob set fire to the Guildhall, and broke nearly every pane of glass in a 'Gothic 'window".a very pretty specimen of the anti-climax.] At the Bury Quarter-Sessions, on Tuesday, the Reverend John Robert Fisher, curate Of Great Cunard, and Mr. Dimes, an attorney, were charged with a gross assault on Thomas Prigg, at the time.a ser- yant to Mr. Fisher. The assault was committed on the 14th August last, in Mr. Fisher's house. According to Prigg's statement, Mr. Dimes having seized him by the collar, Mr. Fisher, while Dimes held him, struck him two severe blows on the head with a poker, and after- wards on the hand. While endeavouring to escape, he received two more blows, which completely stunned him. He staggered into the garden ; and there both Dimes and Fisher fell upon him, one grasping bun by the throat, and the other kneeling on his breast. They were dragged off by the serving women. When the constable came to appre- hend Fisher, he found the door locked ; and Fisher declared he had a brace of loaded pistols, and would shoot the first man that entered. The Jury found both parties guilty; and they were sentenced to pay each a fine of .501., which was of course immediately done. As they were both gentlemen, it would have been highly improper to send them to the tread-mill.
On Friday night, last week, the son of Mr. John Hancox, of Tun- ley, in the parish of Bisley, went out into the back premises to see that all was right previous to going to bed. There he saw three men with their faces disfigured, and he asked—What they wanted ? In- stead of replying, they immediately rushed towards him, and he re- treated to the house ; bat being closely pursued, the door was forced open, and one of the men followed him into the kitchen. Mr. Han- cox junior was about procuring his gun for defence ; when the ruffian
discharged the contents of a horse-pistol at his head; which totally blinded him, and so dreadfully injured the whole of his face, that be is not expected to recover. After this, the robber gave a loud whistle ; when the two others came in, one of whom stood sentry with a loaded pistol over Mr. Hancox senior, while with a drawn cutlass he threat- ened Mrs. Hancox and family, consisting of three young girls, exclaim- ing that, if either of them dared to move, death should he their portion. Two of the ruffians went up stairs, where they took all the valuables they could find. The one robbed Mr. Hancox senior of about 60/. ; after which they made their escape. Mr. Hancox junior, who, it is expected, will fall a victim to the brutal assailants, was mush respected ; and the greatest sympathy is felt for his unhappy fate. A man is in custody on suspicion.—Chekenhant Chronicle.
The residence of Sir Francis Sykes, at St. Leonard's, Hastings, has been robbed of plate, jewels, and valuables, to the amount of nearly 1,0001.
A daring attempt to escape from Kirkdale prison was recently made
by a set of desperate offenders. About one hundred of them had con- spired together to overpower the keepers at supper-time. The plan was discovered by a prisoner in an adjoining yard, to whom it had be- come casually known : the governor inunediately proceeded to the several yards in which the conspiracy bad been concocted, and secured the ringleaders, putting them in irons. An oath had been administered by the prispners to be true to each other ; and there can be little doubt that the attempt would have been successful, unless it had been met in the manner to which we have alluded.—Liverpool Courier.
A dreadful accident occurred last week at Mr. Orbell's water-mill, Brundon, near Sudbury. As the cook was stooping to fill a pitcher with water, she lost her balance, and fell between the water-wheel and
the gate. One horrid shriek from the poor girl, followed by the immediate stopping of the mill, alarmed the household ; who, rushing out, found her mutilated body crushed literally to pieces by the pon- derous wheel.—Burn Herald.
On Tuesday morning [last week] the keeper of the toll-gate at the
Menai Bridge was awakened by a great splashing of water ; and looking out, he saw a monstrous fish working about in the strait, and spouting water far above the piers of the bridge. He immediately procured the assistance of thirty-five men in four boats ;. and the animal, which was floundering among the rocks, was assaulted with musketry, but to no purpose, the balls appearing to glance from its skin as though it had been made of cast iron. A tow-line was thrown round his tail, but at this time the creature began to show his strength, and nearly swamped some of the boats. At length a cannon was brought, and being placed in the bow of a boat, was rowed near the monster's head, and a ball took effect under his jaw. He struggled much, but was at length dragged ashore. It proves to be of the Grampus tribe, and measures twenty-four feet from the snout to the tail, twelve feet in girth, and is supposed to weigh from four to five tons. It is supposed the creature came into the straits in pursuit of a shoal of herrings, and got entangled among the rocks, as was the case with one of the same species about two years ago.— Welshman.
On Saturday evening, the wife of Mr. Joseph Coller, of Ingatestone,
a woman of about sixty years of age, was attacked by a bullock in a field adjoining her house. The beast tossed her, and as she was falling caught her upon his horns, which entered both her legs, and lacerated them in a dreadful manner. It then tossed her into an adjoining ditch, and continued goring her till some neighbours came to her assistance. Every article of clothing which she had upon her was rent to pieces, and completely saturated with blood. One of the horns of the beast passed through her bonnet and cap, but fortunately missed her head. The sufferer's life was at first despaired of, but yesterday her surgical attendant thought her in a fair way of recovery.—Chelmsflod Chronicle.
A-cockatoo died on the 21st ultimo at Lord Vernon's, Sudbury Mall. This bird was brought to Sudbury in the year 1762, and Was consequently at least seventy years old.:--Notlingham Journal.