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THE Queen held a Privy Council at Windsor Castle on Tuesday afternoon; at which the further prorogation of Parliament was ordered, and the Thanksgiving-day was fixed.
Her Majesty gave audience on Monday to the Count Colloredo Wallsee, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary from the Emperor of Austria, and received his letter of recall.
Yesterday was the birthday of the Prince of Wales. In addition to their usual exercise, the Royal Family and a company of guests witnessed a fall parade of the troops; who fired a feu de joie in honour of the heir- apparent.: The visitors at the Castle have been distinguished and numerous,—the Dutchess of Kent as frequently as usual; the Duke and Dutchess and Princess Mary of Cambridge, with the Hereditary Grand Duke and Dutchess of Mecklenburg-Strelitz ; the Bishop of Chester, Viscount and Viscountess Palmerston, the Austrian Minister and the Countess Colloredo, the French Minister and Madame Drouyn de Lhuys, the Belgian Minister and Madame Van de Weyer.
The Dutchess of Gloucester went to Brighton on Tuesday, and took up her residence at the Bedford Hotel.
The health of the Queen Dowager has continued much the same as it was last week. On Wednesday and Thursday, however, the bulletins were slightly more favourable—" most comfortable" nights had somewhat refreshed the patient. Yesterday's bulletin ran thus- " The Priory, 9111 November 1849.
"The Queen Dowager felt herself better throughout the whole of yesterday; but passed a sleepless night, attended with considerable restlessness and dis- comfort.
" Her Majesty's symptoms remain the same. DAVID DAVIES, M.D."