10 NOVEMBER 1849, Page 8



Yesterday was "Lord Mayor's Day." The Civic party paraded with wonted pomp, and went by water to Westminster; where the Recorder introduced the new Lord Mayor to the Judges, with his usual felicity of biographical eulogiurn. He noted Mr. Farncombe's descent from an ancient and well-reputed family of wealthy yeomen in Sussex; his distinction in commerce as wharfinger, merchant, and banker; and his magisterial hon- ours in his native county and in London. The usual invitations were given; and the cortege returned to the City. In the evening, feasting. Before it commenced, the splendid decorations, accomplished by Mr. Bunning, the City Architect, engaged much atten- tion.

The " business-room " of the Court of Aldermen was converted into a mirrored reception-room. As you entered, there was a scenic representation of the grand water procession to the Coal Exchange; in the centre of the room, Mr. Jones's bust of the Queen, transported from the Coal Exchange specially to grace the occasion. The windows at the end of the room were made the openings to a large conservatory, fitted with trellised columns, up which clambered vines in full bearing, and rare-foliaged creepers. The floor was laid out in a pattern of rich mosaic. A marble fountain threw a stream of water into the air, with a cooling effect; groups of choice flowers were massed around; aviaries with birds of "bright plumage and sweet song" occupied each corner; and richly-coloured lamps threw a picturespe light on the whole. At the banquet which followed, there was the usual attendance of emi- nent political personages,—Lord John Russell, Earl Grey, Viscount Pal- merston, with noblemen, Members of Parliament, Foreign Ambassadors, and men of general or civic. note. The principal speeches were made by the French Ambassador (M. Drouyn de Lhuys) and Lord John Russell— in mutual national compliment of warm tone, and by Lord Palmerston, Tarst as answering for the House of Commons, and next as the established toaster of the Lady Mayoress.