competent talent to devote his whole time to the duties of the office; let him re- port to the shareholders, and be independent of the Directors; in case of any misconduct, fraud, or negligence, let him be removeable by a resolution of the shareholders in general meeting assembled: let all these conditions be fulfilled, and we think that there will be an end to complaints of the insufficient supervi- sion of railway accounts, without the very objectionable interference of Govern- mass of the railway proprietary, and thence be presented to Parliament in so in- system of accounts in Government offices, the idea of a Government Auditor in rail- way matters seems absurd: if the cumbrous Government system were to be intro- a delegated portion of them: let the salary be such as will enable one officer of scarcely any fluctuations can be recorded, or business noted even in those varie- delegates of the various companies to consider the best mode of providing for the audit of railway accounts. It is not doubted that the Audit Bill of last session will be reintroduced in the next; and the object of the recent meeting appears to have been to originate some system which shall receive the sanction of the great duced into these companies,. it would be impossible to carry it out, and responsi- no means of insuring the due performance of the duties of the Auditor. Let, how- ever, the appointment of the proposed Auditor be vested in the shareholdera, or sols this afternoon may be cited as 93b' The business transacted has been of a curred of sufficient moment to require remark. The rate of discount and the value of money continue the same.
ties of Stock that are usually most popular. Indeed, the operations of the week fluential a manner as to insure its adoption. To any one acquainted with the bility would be merely nominal. The shareholders of any given line would have that advance till this morning, when a further improvement occurred; and after very unimportant character; in every description of Stock have been quite insignificant.
wag quoted at 934 both for Money and Account, the closing quotation of Con- The chief object of interest in the Railway world has been the meeting of the The Foreign Market has been in the same torpid state as the English, and The English Funds advanced per cent on Monday, and continued steady at we do not believe that a single operation has oc- STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY Arralmoos. ment in private business.
The Shares of most of the more important lines are within 1/. or 2/. of the prices of last week. The North Staffierdshire are still declining, and are today abort 10s. below the prices of Saturday. The Foreign Shares have been almost
neglected, and the fluctuations unimportant. SATURDAY. TWELVE o'crelrx.
The French Funds improved rather more than 4 per cent yesterday in Paris, the price of the Five per Cents being 88f. 60c. Consols opened at an advance of b, the price being 93b 4; and though a sale of 50,0001. for December has been effected, the market is firm at the opening quotation. The Foreign Funds are without change. The following are the only Railway transactions as yet recorded: Caledonian, 124; Great Northern, 7i; Great Western, Quarter-shares, 114; North-western, 114: Ditto New Quarter-shares, 12i; Midland, 48; Waterford and Limerick, 74; York, Newcastle, and Berwick, 174; Ditto York and New- castle Extension, 114.
The accounts of the Bank of England for the week ending the 3d November exhibit, when compared with those of the preceding week, the following results-
BANSINII DEPARTMENT. Increase. Decrease.
Rest £25,940
Palate Deposits 488,913 Other Depssits Seven-day and other Bills Government Securities, Including Dead-weight Other Securities Notes unissued
Actual Circulation
ISIDLIE DEPARTMENT Notes issued Bullion
Last week.
Total Bullion in both Departments 15,475,988 15,259,216 Actual Circulation 18,880,735 18,905,550
3 per Cent Consols
Ditto for Account 3 per Cent Reduced
931 1 91; 2
Danish 3 per Cents
Dutch 21 per Cents Ditto 4 per Cents
72 4
531 1
81f 21
31 per Cents
921 I
Mexican 5 per Cents 1846 ...
25f 61 Long Annuities' at 7-16 Peruvian 6 per Cents
52 3 Bank Stock
197 199 Portuguese 4 per Cents 1842
33 1 Exchequer Bills
42 46 pm. Portuguese 5 per Cents 1824.
82 4 India Stock
Russian 5 per Cents 106 108
Brazilian 5 per Cents
82 4
Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents 1 hf 17 Belgian 41 perCents 84 6
Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 34; 51
Chilian 6 per Cents 93 6 Venezuela 23 5
Danish 5 per Cents 98 100
135,035 216,772
This week.