10 NOVEMBER 1866, Page 2
A treinendous hurricane broke cieei'lselikiesu• and the lealiiimas on the
9th Of October. 'The ,gild .4preiid-oirot scene '100 di 180 Miles, blowing her Mijoistra "/Vinible lisliore; destroying or driving to sea some hiiiidiede of meieliatitmen, iinidofing most Of the town, and .driting thieeee.over'the 'settlements. The Wells in the plane" Were been . filled 'With "salt watei, and an 'immense amount of damage his been done 'to other property. 'The•speed of the gale is estimated by Comniandei A J. Chaifield, Of the Nimble,. at from fifteen to twenty- miles an hoar.