10 NOVEMBER 1866, Page 2

'Mr. Hennessy' defended himself very skilfully last' Satinday in an

address to the • Wexford electors against Mr. Bright's onslaught upon him at'Dtiblin. 'Mr. Might only said that Mr. Henitessy eagerly imppented the Tories in the last' Parliament, and that the Tories have been the chief -supporters of injustice to Ireland,—both matters of plain fact. Mr. Hennessy, however, took it as a charge againgt`hitu that he had deserted''Deland on Irish questions, and he shotred in detail how diligent he lead been in voting for Irish interests, and 'how entirely 'Mr: 'Brikbt neglected them. The speech was clever, bat on-his own behitlfelar. Hennessy proved rathertoo inneh. 'He went in oil the Irish side- not only on tenant-right committees, emigration committees, and so on, but where the demand was flagrantly for a sop for Ireland, and-nothing else,—for Galway packet grants, public worksegrants, a lower rate of duty on Irish-whisky than on English spirits, &e., &c. He even proposed to soothe Ireland by resisting everything unpleasant to Roman Catholic prejudices, such as the senseless pro-

vision for refusing to take for what it is worth, in Courts of Justice" the evi lence of witnesses who do not -believe in God, and ito whom, therefore, the oath is not more binding-than an affirms- ' tion. In a word, Mr. Hennessy always supported the Ultramon- tanes, supported the Tories whenever he could do-so with decency, and supporta "boons to Ireland," 'Whether he could do so with decency or without it.