10 NOVEMBER 1866, Page 2

The text of the Papal Allocution ofeltaly . has, arrived.

is less turgid in-style than usual, And more intelligible in meaning, but it is much more severe against Itely than-was at" first sup- posed. The 'Government Of 'the . pedinsids. is condemned 'foe Almost every crime under the sun, . and 'espeaiiilleelcireeboureging coneubinage bypassing a law Of civil marriage; which,. sayeethe Pope, "is perfectly scandalous." 'He declares that' he Will not Con- sent to to the demands of suchmen, biiteeilfi "noinhat them Without fear, even to the peril of his life," and will eione" reineeti vein-thee he may barb be-able to exercise his supretne ispasealic Throughout-the-long- paper there-anus, eloweveieetheetoneedione who nearly-in despair,- who.- will never surrender =allythiegebut

who sees the tinieesominothen alL.willdge.talcon way. .