10 NOVEMBER 1866, Page 3
appears - to be at last deffiiitblYitetbed 'to Piiifettor Seeley, of
University College, London. The 'author 'Complained in his recent pieface of its being SuppOted 'that 'he could Wish to Mystify the public as to the drift of his treatise. "We suppose he felt Ito such scruple 'at to his ailthOrthip,' as helfeebis to itave inteceeded adiitiritblY in mystifying eienititiiitide Arendt. ' It is hot, We ihbilia think, any went of pride in such it bobk, or in its reception by friend's and foes, Which hid-deed him so perteveiiiigly
. . to preserve the incognito. _