The corretpandent of the Pall Mall Gazttte Who' ethbrted his
fellcrw-citizens, if they wished really to enjoy alittle comedy, to go 'and see Meg's Diversion at the New Royalty *at rittite right. We fellaWed his-Counsel last Wedireedity;end'hare deldOrd enjbyed anything 'more than Mr.' H. T. CraVen's play,' and his' 'Own qiiint, powerful, and pathetic acting,--tidting with a tduch 'of reel kbilius in it, Robsonian in its pathos, but all his own id the quiet hint-our of the lighter parts. Mr. Charles WYndham, too, has the true French quiet and pliancy. His cointliete 'change of hianñér and style from the lOw comic part, whiCh he plays adniiiably, in No. 1 Round the Corner, to the higher comedy of the conceited a-6d priggish baronet in itfeg's 'Diversion, was even remarkable. The women's parts are not nearly so Well schitained, though Miss Oliver, the manager, is geed -While the is jolly. When she becomes heart-broken she is a failure, not understanding pathos, and With a laugh in her eyes through it all.