The people of Jamaica appear to be tired of absolute
govern- ment by Anglo-Indian officers, although their advocates admit that under them the Negroes have greatly advanced, and race- hatreds have become less bitter. On Thursday, therefore, a depu- tation of West Indians waited on Lord Derby, to beg for their old Assembly back again. Lord Derby refused this, but stated that the Government regarded the despotic system as only temporary, and had considered a new Constitution with a much larger infusion of the elective element. He hinted, moreover, that the negroes would be allowed their share both in the elec- tion of the Legislature, and in the administration of the island. The wisdom of the change depends, of course, upon its oppor- tuneness ; but we imagine the Governor, Sir Henry Norman, will retain an effective veto, and with negroes voting in all the Southern States, it is difficult in the West Indies to base political organisation upon their incapacity. They are at least as forward in Jamaica as in any Southern State, except, per- haps, Maryland.'