10 NOVEMBER 1917, Page 16


[To SAE EDITS: OP Ion SPECTATOO."] Sm,—It is not often one catches a Spectator reviewer making such a " howler." On p. 448 (October• 29th) he speaks of Hus as not only " the natter of the religious Reformation," but as " the first of the tine which gave us Wyelifie and 'Tyndale and Luther." It is well known end undisputed that John Hos was deeply influenced end inspired by the writings of Wycliffe, and that the latter was about forty-four years of age when kiss was born.—I am, Sir, de.,

Fnikirk•. JAMES B. Jonesroa. [We have no excuse to offer. It was particularly bad in us to fail to notice the slip, as at the time of the Hue celebrations we drew special attention to the extent of Hus's debt to Wycliffe.— Ea. Spender.]