10 NOVEMBER 1917, Page 16


[TO TEE Ralson or Tan n SPECTATOS."] FIR,—We beg to be allowed to say that the Committee of this Society, which from the first has made every effort to secure a fell inquiry into the irregularities in Ceylon, regards the Report I the Commission of Inquiry into ten eases of shooting as n strong justification for tho action which it has taken in this matter. Wa have nose in preparation yet another appeal to His Majesty's Government, either for n full impartial inquiry, or for the appointment of a Select Committee of the House of Commons. This appkal will disclose a case which it seems to DS can only ho met in one of the two ways suggested by the Committee, either of which will, if granted, restore to the people of Ceylon that con- fidence in British justice which has been no seriously shaken. We confidently believe that this appeal now in preparation will be supported by .1 large number of Members of Parliament and leaders of British public opinion, to whom we are submitting it.

Sony II. Jimmie, Organising Secretary. The Anti-Slat-erg and .4 bor•igiaes Protection Society, Denison Home, 296 Vauxhall Bridge Road, S.W. 1.