10 NOVEMBER 1917, Page 2

America and Japan have concluded a most important Agreement in

regard to China, which was published at Washington on Tuesday. America recognize!. that Japan " has a special interest in. China, particularly in that part to which its possessions are contiguous." America and Japan. deny that they purpose infringing the inde- pendence or territorial integrity of China, and declare that they will always adhere to the principle of the ao.called "open door" or equal opportunity for commerce and industry In China. Further, " they are opposed to requisition by any Government of any epeeist privileges which would affect the independence of China " or block the " open door " to thesabjecte of any country. Mr. Lansing has publicly declared that the Japanese Mission recently sent to Wash- ington undid in a few-days the evil work carried on far years past by German agents whose object was to alienate America from Japan. The new Agreement, couples. with the British-Japanese Alliance, will secure a peaceful future for the Far East and the Paelfic,.