10 NOVEMBER 1917, Page 2

Skipper Thomas Crisp. R,N.R., of the Nelson ' smack, whose

heroic death was mentioned by the Prime Minister last week ea an illustration of the bravery of our fishermen, was honoured in the London Gazette of last Saturday with a posthumous Victoria Cross. The ` Nelson' while trawling was attacked by a submarine. The skipper was mortally wounded by a shell. but continued to fight his little vessel until she was sinking. He than gave the order, " Aban- don ship. Throw the books overboard." Refusing to be lifted Into the boat, he asked that he too should be thrown overboard, but he could not be moved and went down with his ship. The survivors, after pulling for two nights and a day in their boat, were reamed,. and T. W. Crisp, the second band, who is a son of brave skipper, bee deservedly received the D.S.M. Skipper Thomas Crisp was clearly the man to command a ` Nelson.' In honouring him the King has recognized the splendid courage of the fishermen as a body.