10 NOVEMBER 1917, Page 2

The efficiency of our North Sea patrol was vindicated on

Friday week, the day after the First Lord's statement when our naval forces operating in the Kattegat, immediately to the north of the Sounds met and destroyed a Germare auxiliary- eruiser and the ten armed patrol craft attending her. The ' Marie "or Krokodil,' as the German ship was called, was a disguised raider armed with six- inch guns. She was met off Kullen and, being eammoned to show her flag, opened fire. In ten minutes- she was reduced to a blazing wreck and blew up. The patrol vessel', were as quickly destroyed. Our sailors, unlike the enemy in the convoy affair, were careful to rescue the survivors, of whom sixty-four were brought to England, while others were picked up by Scandinavian vessels. Another attempt to break our naval cordon her thus been foiled with- businesslike completeness.