10 NOVEMBER 1973, Page 5

Information please

Sir: I am writing, as her literay executor, a life of the late Vera Brittain, with the encouragement and.full support of Sir George Catlin, who was her husband, shall be sincerely grateful to receive from her friends and acquaintances their personal recollections, and the loan of letters will be of inestimable help. These will be carefully copied and quickly returned.

Paul Berry Bridgefoot Cottage, Stedham, Micthurst, Sussex Sir: As literary executor for the estate of the late Sir Noel Coward I would Very much like to see any letters. Postcards or cables written by him at any time in his life, These would. of Course, be returned to their owners

and would not be published in any form without the approval of their owners. Could any such material please be sent as soon as possible to Mrs Joan Hirst, 15 Cadogan Square, London SW1.

Sheridan Morley

Waltham St Lawrence, Berkshire