10 OCTOBER 1840, Page 1


" BEron m —11 m11E:cc ENT—PEA E." 1J'anvae words embrace the practical politics professed by the Whigs when Earl GREY took office in 1830. Reform has been stopped. The 'furies, 1,y trying to stop it, increased its energy : the Whigs, by pretending to run along with it, and front time to time begging it for God's sake to motlerate its career, that their wheezy and asthmatic constitutions might he able to keep pace with it, have succeeded in bringing it to a stancl-still. As to retrenchment, sundry taxes were taken off by the Whigs, and a great palaver made about it ; but the real es- sence of retrenchment—reducing your expenditure to something less than your income—has been entirely overlooked by them : and the consequence is, that, having found a surplus in the treasury when they took office, they have spent it all, and are now busy reversing their original course—increasing our burdens instead of diminishing. them. And as to peace: having succeeded in maintaining, peace when it was not an easy task, they seem bent upon making themselves amends by getting up a war when the feat was equally difficult of accomplishment.

That we are at war is certain. The first blow has been struck at Beyrout. '[lie humanity which has instigated our Ministers to rescue 11:0 Syrians from the grasp of INIMIUMET Ar.t, has shown itself in bombarding and burning one of their towns about the cars of the Syrians. Right or wrong, canting or sincere in our professions, we are at war. The question asked by every man of his neighbour is—will the war go on ? That depends upon France. Our Ministers are determined to give effect to the convention of the 15th July at all hazards. The Ministerial press is in raptures at the wisdom, decision, and benevolence shown in the burning of B. grunt. The Opposition journals express a decent regret at the prospect of war, but on the whole pat Ministers on the back for their war policy, somewhat

after the thshion of Josnen Item:. This game is not unskilfid if it be played with a view to the possibility of their coming into office. John Bull is quite alive to the fact that he has much to lose and nothing to gain by a war ; but his dogged temper is sure, if he is once involved in one, to prompt him to light it out. lle will be satisfied when the Tories tell him—" We did not begin the war ; we sincerely regretted seeing it begun ; but we are in for it, and must go on.'' Then what says France ? With the exception of the .7..),1.?mtl, the only one of them that scents to have retained its senses, the French journals are very warlike. The C.fonstitutiemw/ (M. Tin Ens) cries out " To arms fit' time honour of France !" the Nrahn rt (n 11■Hiyr) cries out "To arms fir an European revolution and the boundary of the Rhine! 0 lint the journals of France arc not the people of France. They express the sentiments of literary theoretical politicians, or of intriguers for office ; two classes which have no strong or abiding- hold on any portion of industrial France, and v hick mire scarcely to be met with out 01 Paris. 1 ne electoral class thromdiont France dread ant abhor these egitat ors ; and the non-electoral class, though they may join in the cry when it suits their purposes or their passions, care little for th •;11. 1 au Is PHI- LIPPE knoWs right well that the object of :lino-tenths of those who elaninur for war is to get rid of himself in thm. first. place; alill he ; \ -1, „ 1 will take care that no :\linister sincerely bent on havinmy, war shall jwin't,,,,.,.0 ..,,n,., ;11..,, long retain office. 'fh..re are syMptoms of an mt....kward conscionm.,m- than disp....,..,.. tiai om.m....ms : his . teas of this kind in the dem..larmmtions of .M. '1'imil.mts. I!•.., v:iloro,,I,iy • , threatens, that it' certain events take place—ifeertain act .; he clone-- , then there must be War without fill. But he takes mt...eml care to • select for these acts and events, which according to him must vp",,,...,tis bands necessarily IL.ad to sm., such as he is prelmy well assured cammot 1..1 the present critimail ......•1:.. occur, thus saving, appearances as to consistoney, and IhTill;! hl!,,, :111.1 ,,,,,,,liti,11, ,,,,' L.„.„. 0...„. , to sac(' his imperilled place: if an attempt be made to take Egypt Tho re,.,,„ ,,,,,, 7, 7. In, 1'.. from MI-1111:011;1' .\ 1,1., then Fr:1111As will In) to war; init the era.ms 1,,,,, 1, „m" 1 of our Government have aemmin :nil again m, retested limit the id...t m.mf ,,, 1,.,...,. .. takim.: Vit, pi from ..1 Ent...-a v.i..\ ma has nerve,. beemm taitcrlaI...(1. omi a 11.11i..n ..... r..mm. i'.fmm!..imimm: all into consideration, it (lima not appear that therm,. „,„v in,„.1,,. it 1 is any timing in the temper or wishes of the parties engaged m attempt to Ciro i',.... ii .C,,,mi a at Iii tili.-; e0111.rov(•rSy to lead to the conclusion that there is very I ,AL.p.,„;,,,,„ that 11.1, 111.,... ...1 1), ,...c,

imminent danger or the war extending at pr, sent beyond Syria. doubt : whether they can give it to the Sultan, is another question ; That the Allies can take Syria from 31Elirn.i:r ALL there is no and France, it seems, will not interfere unless an attempt he made to wrest Egypt from the Pasha. But there is danger in playing with edge-tools. 1 o say, " we will go to war and stop at such a point," is somewhat like saying, " we will set tire to this house and

put it cut when so much of it has been burned down." Besides, the French and English nations are sufficiently pu-.3,-neeious: they

still limey that their interests ran coanter in the Levant, in the

Gulf of Mexico, and in Swath Atileriea ; and, wit:1 the misunder- standings which necessarily arise NVIIi.)cver a CI VC' IMF,: ilities are carrving on. the warlike harangues of -M. 'I'm mmrs—.,vith Lours Pni- MM.; s elltierilantl encouragement of language enables him to execute his pet projecm of fortifying Paris—in:iv produce the

most mischievous results. That Great liritahm has snitieient wealth, surplus population, skill, and courage, to go through a long war and come out of it with honour, WC have E0 doubt. But, even under the most favourable circumstances, th_ i 1 upon the con- stitution—the suilcring—mast conm:.rcial and

territorial relations are mor: e 1,_•.1 ,, :; ever we are

uver the ail frontier ; any War ill which We lire Cl;'0 whole world. The pressure of our and

of support, acting upon unprecedented 11":e world

stored-up capital, is projecting natimmted in every direction. The revulsion when m-pring-thle

of enterprise, and throws it back within en... m.arrow limits, must be

tremendous—the so:feting occasioned bymmiong the wealthy, and the stoppage of employment th•• poor, beyond

all precedent, And all this sufihring mn,t I. for no

purpose. With France we have no qoarrel. :co 11,.itish subject

has been injured by the state of affairs is .1nd as for Russia, it' she has :it...signs upon Constantiimple. the present in- terference of the Powers in the done..--tie anirs of the Ottoman empire, will prove to Turkey what tIa 1merfercncc cf Prussia, Austria, aml Russia in the I:Item-n:1m:nts of Poland were to that comarv• If we must ,so to when she occupies Constuatimmeple. that evm...t is 1-.-etponed by the convention of dub:. At s.•;:-. e for the of fighting. And this is •L' c, :; gevcrnmelmt, and commentary 11p,..71-111.r.,•::.. _•: 's• v.r.yr. PLAcn.