10 OCTOBER 1840, Page 12


Here's time in this seek too ! There is nothing but roguery to be found in villanous muu."—Faistag:

AT the inauguration of the civic officers of Dublin on the 30th of September, Lord EnatxTros took occasion to make a strong declaration against Repeal and Repealers. Among other things, he said—" I shall withhold all the Government favour and patron- age, which Administrations are considered entitled to confer on their supporters, from those who take part in this agitation."* By

a curious coincidence, Mr. O'CONNELL, on the same 30th Sep- tember, addressed a letter front Darrynane Abbey to the electors of Kilkenny, in which he revives a charge he brought some time

ago against Colonel BUTLEI1, of having absented himself from the vote which. drove Ministers to resign in the month of April last year ; and of having written letters " in which lie entered

into n regular stipulation that be would vote with the Government, provided that certain situations or promotions were bestowed upon two persons whom he named." Mr. O'Coxxsa.r., "through motives of delicacy," declines naming these persons : but Colonel BUTLER is troubled by no such compunctious visitings; for in his counter-address to the electors he says--" I have not the least hesitation in admitting, that after having for two or three years given support to the present Administration, I made an application for professional promotion for two of my sons, where such could not be obtained by purchase— namely, in the Church and the Navy ; and I certainly considered that I was justified in so doing, inasmuch as if they went out of office, I could not expect that their opponents would attend to any application on my part." To this partial admission the Colonel coolly adds—" As Mr. O'Connell has repeatedly expressed a wish that I should enter fully into an explanation of circumstances

that occurred on my refusing to vote upon one occasion, I have come to the determination not on any account to do su, as I cannot place my faith in the purity of his ?notices." This is excellent. No more needs be said about Colonel 13umar: : he stands confessed. But why does Mr. O'CoxxEm.'s indignation at Lord EBRINGTON'S

hint about " the favour and patronage which Administrations are considered entitled to confer on their supporters " hang fire ? Ills small taunt at the St. Patrick's Orphan Charity dinner in Cork, that the Lord-Lieutenant had exhibited great impatience to let out his opinions, when he availed himself of the opportunity of doing so afforded by the appearance of' the rotten Corporation of Dublin be- fore him," is merely the suppressed whine of O'CONNELL muzzled. Mr. SHARMAN CRAWFORD'S Ulster Reform Association had an " ag- gregate meeting" on the 1st of October, but even SHARMAN was neutralized. The burden of the speeches delivered by the other orators was " No Repeal" and " Support Ministers." Ile did not join in the latter cry, but he wisely said nothing about it. So it would appear, that the O'Conncllites of the South and the Crawfordites of the North are merely getting up a sham fight about Repeal; the former not pressing the question in earnest, and the latter not being afraid that they intend to do so. All that

is meant is to prevent the people of Ireland from inquiring what Ministers are doing, and to get them to vote on for them as for-


• His Excellency understands what stun' the Rtpealers arc made of. Since this allcoion to " Government fitruur and patmonge" was made, the following announcement 11-.3 1ppeared in the Lhavr;v1; Cliremicle—" Several of the Com- mittee of the St. Patrick's Orphan Chmity 1.):nner in Cork have had their names erased from the on learning Om: :Nit'. O'Connell intends to propose Repeal of the thien among the toasts on Monday night."