10 OCTOBER 1840, Page 17



The. Biolgti of tho Emily. By Lady LyTTON BULWER,

Author of ‘f ('leveler.'' In three vols.

Journalgra I feshle acre ire. Cireassio, eluting the r'ears 1837,1833, and 1839. By JAM;,/ STANISLAUS liELL. III two vole.

The Poetical or' Thomas .21loore, en.11eeted by Himself. In ten volS. Vol. 1.—thks of Anacreon. Juvenile Poems.

Essay 00 the l'roduelice Iles‘Aretes 'it' India. By J. F. Roy &c,

The .7,1/-4°171'1 -11e;f:'h red;e:. J-‘11i S ]tits., Erl. Fourth editions. with Notes null Continuation, 11.11::1AN 'WILSON, ALA.,

Vol. VI.

The Ili.ovy to Flirt. Belated by Ilerself. In three tuts.

17w Droidatio if of Richard Iirirr.I v Shtrillao. With a Biogra- phical :-.'ketch, by Li:Hill ill NT.

[.'inother of the series of rimints forming Mr. :fitxoN's "Itram atie Library."

Tlfe pref.-dory not lee batter beau ,tin to an of the genius

th.m to a critic, Nader aceompli.lo d, olio s his ." want of

cutLusf " 1.11.11:•, author. I low 31:f. • ;It ' .ment of the m cliest,r ss.1 of SULU:PAN, ih:te.1. ;!1.. reVerSe of

ssjust raw : if -•. .1 :I us-ay, a4

g ii nnt ..f themum .1.:a : -1 felicitous.

■ ...riZell by the writei's 1.. , from viEirl, ,!., nnI aN's v. It ;tiol dramatic

shill ua:y. f• i .!. 31r. Vt-,,T , • I. VCI 1 11 LILLY}

CONGItt. v : fuse • 1.1. Mr. :Ill./NON.]

Iutt; for 1". .• . Greece, Egypt,

Asia 311:., ,• . of all the

t'31. ::. • the Ionian

ford w • hielt they 1,',, :.:••, . (',•:. .3'•a c lo.1 particulars

11!1 to Ind, the Vorr,2.- I ,■:11 Sure no 13nafbnw, and tdl. !,i'Ali.-traVe:!11:,:!. ill till: thr...e Presidencies. By UsnonNE,

useful aml ;normal is timer: -nit of th f author's personal oh- vation iiglee during a recent noir iii the 1.evant, and afftwils most of the ordifmr■ necessary far 1.1 the countries Mentioned in the title. r,. ind-Ites to be pr5'.i.1.•.I ..i,•:•,• stmaIng—the refutes through. l'ranee :Ind 1:: 1!;,. Alcditernaican---C., .'-nnicyances, monies, and

prices :.t the vIttious1 ,Ittion:= to 110 o' ,erred in order to •,-,..f.ufa. cmffat and ifra va:.; with cowsiderable

niinutenc:•.• flf.• featm es Of eilaNlrie,/, time prOdllel101113 of the soil, the I .1.:Is e.' the people, and the of Greece and Egy;ff, are

also rhar.lid.d../. ',.11 concis..m. I. !dot it is it rcadable hook as ac.i a-. mi n :AM Vt.,..1:,itlary will also be acceptable to the 12..‘'.tian travfll_r 1:0: i . si ioa Att //istorit, ft rod re _1. . Grecniawl, end the. Faroe with liltistrati.,: - or t:.. is N. a oral llistvry, 3Iaps by W ,,lui ;;; [This volume fu!!:.• -mu; arts the the ,cries of works in the

: v a -tl!f':l Selection of inittter,

extent of and exec:Icor.. ;id 1...7.-t tci':mliun ; but the remote- ness of the s Mbiucts .and the little ifirf•.•1- st v. I.:wit they inspire in the world at large, iii > p.obably relater t ..f told, rolorul, and the• Faroe Islam I.:, It ss attractive limo 00111, 1 the previ,,,,s publications.] The Iusbw•q the Jt ws, from the Taking of ierie•alom by Titus to the pre,eht time : comprising a narrative of their wanderings, persecutions. commerciol enterprises, and literary exel duns ; with an account of the various efforts untie Mr their con> ersion.

[A timely (4onipilation, narrating the history of the Jews from the destruction of' Jerusalem to the press it day ; mist, of course, omitting the late persecution in Syria, which probably suggested the publication.1

Ths Castle of Otranto; a Gothic Story. By HORACE WALPOLE, Earl of Orford. With a Memoir of the Author.

[A handsome edition of this once popular romance, which owes its celebrity more to the name of the author, and to primogeniture in its kind, than to in- trinsic merits. The "gothic " of the story is akin to the pasteboard battle- ments of Strawberry I1i11. The frature of this edition consists in the fanciful and picturesque wood-cuts that embellish its pages: they are of high promise as the first productions of a young artist, Mr. STANDFAST; who, however, should guard against the mannerism shown in the spectral air and attenuated form of his figures—the knights armed cap-a-pie look like some strange flies

without wings.] •

The Last Days of Pompeii. (Works of Sir E. L. Bel-AVER.) [A notice prefixed to this reprint states that the three volumes containing Felhanr, The Disowned, and Devereux, to complete this revised edition of the author's prose works, will be published, with his " last corrections," by Mr. COLUERN: the History of Athens, which is not yet completed, and the tale of the Conquest of Grem«1«, will be included in two supplementary volumes of Poems and Ditunas.] • A Journey Round my Room. Translated from the French of M. le Comte XAVIER DE MAISTRE.

[The conception of this brochure is better than the execution ; and the title— to which, probably, its seccess was owing—excites expectations that are not realized. It is a sentimental effusion of egotism, with no ideas beyond the author's personal existence : a 11v on the wall might have made as profitable a journey, though phi occupied the author during a confinement of forty-two days.] The Rem at ion, 1841 ; a Gift-book fur Young Readers : embracing such subjects as are particularly fitted to interest and improve the youthful mind. EinbcHished with engravings.

The .:Yew Ereit. "wilt; or a Book to induce Young People to read. For 1841. Couto:fling •remarkable appearances in natuno signal' preserva- tions, and such inci lents as arc particularly fitted to arrest the youthful mind. by the Editor of "The New Excitement for 1838 and 18:19," and of '' The Foaritement " for the preceding years.

[Two heralds of the Annual rant, possessing more amusement in the shape

of well-selected extra, ts, the wild, wondertnl, and true, than is to be found in any, or perhaps in all of the more anti it ions and expensive drawing-room books called by courtesy original. The ella• Eceiteatent is an old work, of which we have heretofore spoken in terms of commendation : the /leen:titian is, in its plan, a similar kind of 1,,,,,k, bet of larger size, somewilat more elegant in ex- ternals, and mingles poetry with its prose.] Cemetery interment; containing a concise history of the modes of inter- ment practised by the Ancients; descriptions of Mre la Chaise, the Eastern Cemeterieo and those of America; the English Metropolitan and Provincial Cemeteries, and more particularly of the Abney Park Cemetery, at Srelo; :Covington, with a descriptive catalogue of its plants and :abaft t ant. By GEORGE COLLISoN, [This is a compilation opal the subject of grave-gromais, by the Secretary to one of the new cemetery companies; whose object, he ilfirly :avows, is to bring into public notice the new burial-place formed on the Abney Park estate, near Stamtbrd 11111. The book contains a sort of encycloptedic account of inter- ments amongst varicns oatious, extracts from different publications touching the evils which arise from borials its crowded churchyards in towns, and a description of the different new cemeteries abroad and at home, especially that of Abney Park, with %%Licit the author is connected. This new last resting-place is situated about two mile.: from Shorediteh Church, and is described in such terms as to excite a wish to vi-it it, trot to use it. It certainly pos- sesses two advantages—old trees of a rare and peculiar kind were ready to the planter's hand, and the place has historical associations. It formerly be- longed to the Parliamentarian General FLELTwooD; and Dr. WATTS resided there for many years, in the titmily of Sir THOMAS ARNEV.] Christian Liter,ture : Evi‘h sees. Consisting of Watson's " Apology for Christianity,: Watson's "Apology' lin the Bible," Paley's "Evidences of Christi icily," Paley's " Horse Paulinte," Jenvos' " View of the Internal Evider.ce of the Christian Religion," " Truth of Christianity 1.a.leonstrated," Leslie's "Short and Easy Method with the Deists," Leslie's " Short and Easy Method with the Jews," Chandler's "Plain !Reasons for being a Christian," Lvttelton's "Ob- serrations on the Conversion of St. Paul," Campbell's " Dissertation on 'Miracles," "Trial of the Witnesses," with the "Sequel to the Trial," %Vt.,: " On the ILsun'ection." With Prefatory Memoirs, by the Rev. J. S. Men Es, LLD.

[A selection of the leo of the theological works, publhbed in parts under the title of Christian and now collected into an elegant volume with

biographical o: each author, by Dr. MEMES. Such families as have

not taken in •, parts 03 it appeared, will find this a favourable oppor- tunity of panne,:: e cream.] Moral Pit ply; or tl.e Duties of Man con,i.lered in his individual, social, and dons.-tic capacities. By G LOBO CoM liL.

Lcc/ures oa Natural Philosophy. By the Rev. JAMES WILLIAM M•Gai:Ltn, Professor of Natural Philosophy to the National Board of Education, &c.

The Altar; a little votive structure of Misceilaoeous Poetry., by W. E. Sttt•rEE;, M.A.


at,:hoho r,"1 : a ( .ol:‘,-;tion of the Romani Novels, and Histories

- tountboiati of his Ineteets. Now foot collected, train C c original edit'.'.:, •. With Introductory 1:1., P...rt 1.

hy Mr. w Lich deserves, and of all critieat :oaf admirers of

• -, and '! -../Toot they also will form au

tberaeter, e; ; ti. ref, ler have

e'elity to traee 11.•: girl,,:., of Sint os- were into his ht. ;.ao,to, . feel observe the which Mr, Cr.d.r.o.:: eon:a:metes is

t /, was raised t la; sole:stem:tore of the

Frie,(1, of 'r. Superbly • ‘.•,,T. Pert, I. are! I I.

bat, o o the pr stotype of

• ;, • I. it4

,•:•:: 8,01 flue


oirao. It is int,e, lel to rams: with the Popnbie Ilbldrated. Ity J..uttS TIMIlS, Editor of A read : ril high profetsional ()pillions, on matters of daily tese--as or of at.; ; eng interest —as the feeling of dying. Sonic of the

at [Till.' is cc: will no doll SIIAKSPI:Rf..

will bc in; ! Indispet.-




/, .

[A trate,: • la,

" Atala " P

said, " ; r, of life and 0, • design, have ;free,. ameerned, hot t:,

series of ;butt r

extracts are not so much an exposition of popular ereors, as all explanation of

recondite truths, or speculations upon difficult problems.]

Dlalie Brun's and Balbi's Systems of Geography Abridged, Part II. [The present number of this valuable compendium finishes England and Wales; contains Scotland, Irelaud, France, Belgium, Switzerland, and Ger- many, and commences the Austrian Empire.] Totter of London, fart X. [We are tempted to notice this number, especially for its three plate.,

CM:IF:SHANK, representing as many different assaults on the old fortress : the'r

are remarkable for the spirit and reality with which the attacks of huge brains of meth it) active conflict, landing from ships and mounting by escalade, are re- presented by the slight means of etching. lit this respect they remind its of the celebrated etchings of C.vhho1 ; being equally distinct, and if less neat in

execution, more strikingly effective as pictures.]

Brayley's 7i.pogrophical History of Surrey, Part I/.

l'alentine i isr, Nos. XIX. and XX.

History of Napoleon, Part XXI.

Encyclopedia Britannica, Putt CXXI.

.211iss Corner's Historical Library, Part X.-Scotland.

The New General Biographical Dictionary, Part. IX.

Lane's Arabian Nights' .Entertetitunents. Part XXIX. Thomas's Devil on 'I'mo Silvio:, Part VI.'

l'atil .l'eritvinble, No. XVII.

A !history of British; Sta,:fishes, and other .4nitioli: of the eiass ];chino. dermata, By 1.:nw Ann Pounc;,,:11.W &c. 11111Strated by a wood- cut of each species, and numerous vignettes. Part I.

Master IlumphreYs Clock, Part 'Vi.

Savage's Dictionary of the All of Printing, No. VI.

/Iritish Biateolics omit/wit. TruntVinanations, No. ILL Mar/woes Poor ,Tuck, No. X.

Jens Bunt, Part 11.

..11agazines ,for Oetobcr—Tilaeloeood's, FrasfCs, Dublin 1.Thirersity,

Monthly Chronicle, Coloniel..1.-latie Joann], Alex , oeler's East India,

I.aw, Rainey's Miseellany, Farmer's, Blitisli Flori- cultural, Florist's Journal, Sportsman, Polytechnic Joarnal, Chemist, Surveyor, Engiuter and Architect, New Monthly Belle Assemble::. Reviews—The quartLrly, the Foreign Quarterly.


Bassani., and Pali«. Painted by L. S. Newrox, A.; engraved by

GEORGE i/00.

Trii:/. Painted by Sam unr, Dr; UMMOND, A.B.A.; engraved by Gnoncr T. 1)oo. [Two fine prints by the first line-engraver of the a.iy. That after Newtroa: is one of thepainter's happiest efforts; the story is Si) well toll. It represents the scene where BaSS:11110 learns the ti dings of Antonio's tlar;rer. Bass:olio's troubled countenance expre:ses grief and vexation ; his action is that of' one recoiling at sonic sudden and unexpected ill news; and the imo:oato.:n. standing by shows the letter has just come to hand: Portia has apprnwhed him, and gently placed one hand on his arm and the other on his shoulder. Ion ,ing into his free with the searching scrutiny of a sweet and iugentom:: anbe:c animated by a tender regard, but serette and unintrusive. like one conc.:rood bur neitlwr suolivious nor impatient, and who was prepared for any chance. The ethos ness, blended with delicate fondness, in l'ortitt's expression and action, is quite Shaksperian ; Bassailio's sorrow is lowering and ill-tempered, but it shows the charmitsg clearness of Poilia's loving look more beautiful by contrast. Nerissa and Gratiano in the background supply the comment to the incident. 'there arc some defects of drawing in the trodden limbs and bodiless biros of Bassanio, the bad figure of the messenger, and the want of shape beneath the garments of Portia: but these blemishes scarcely interfere with the Inality of a pi tore so admirable in point of expression and character. The elltranIllg i.e ;el excellent translation of the ortist's manner of painting, and the !di:tot-lel ere st of the original; but the draperies are heavy and bard, resendding c•al: mere than silk and satin; and the cross-hatching in the ihrtre of the messenger is rigid and metallic. The faces are most beautiful for fleshiness, fuel living aspect; and their meaning could not be rendered more vivid!y. As a whole, the print i- highly wrought and brilliant, hits:resting fir its subject, rued worthy of admiration as a work of art. 31inna 'Troll is it portrait or a not very attractive it n:e, of ample propora tions; and is chiefly admirable for the breadth of hold, aril the exquisite imi- tatital of the flesh awl white .trapery, in the engraving : the cheek and bust are round, soft, and elastic, tied glowing with a delicate trait oittesoit answerino to the carnatiott•tint,. of the setintiug ; and the white sills dress is pure and lustrous, exemplifying in It beitittifuI mattner the value of lights pro• doted by leaving the paper blank. The tar wants softness, !tad the hair is tiny; both are defective in massing and substance: for the bad drawing of the aria and hand, the painter is responsible.] Engravings after the lk•st Pictor,s of the Great .1.rosh tv. Part I. [" Reduced copies of prints after some of the great pciaters," hi the proper title of this tvork; which is it tune trading speeitlatioo, and by nn means bears out the high pretensions assumed for it, either in the selection tn' subjects or the execution of the plates. The three forming the Eir,t Part are Re or.as's "Taking Down from the Cross"; a•' Lantlscalw with I'd ic," h.e rm..; mid It.%rtia Lt.'s Cartoon of "Christ's (21targe to Peter." Tie, vi nos :Ire inferior in point of mere workmanship, and the ellaratleridie heatities of the

originals are not to be fennel in them. 'flit Itubena is Item s' nod ill drawn; the Claude meagre and tiny ; and the Raphael is reduced from Moo; cy's

faelda ;Lod itoperfeet oh•te. As print-, from these three leaders are numernas

and easily obtained, 1 heir works will pr.-laminate, to the exelo ft!' others as great, ail of Bonne t/19,41 1411e,e1; plet tires, from it Lich Cleo! tire no foie prints extant. The tosertion iti the pot-pet:tits, that imoinvings from prints are better than this e front copies, is tor lens remarkable for its tioldnesa than its imam eetness.]

The I II fail raa.,1 rill! nafntar.a 11U ill,: Ohl mod :Vow 7i ; chiefly explanatoly: of the mann, rs awl cu toms meld Minot in the Sacred Serip-

i tures; tool al at of the Ithlory, ;;.; aroetpliy, monist! hi dory, and anti-

(plititta ; being o re/lollies 11111, of Ike NCO eS (if " The Pieteria I Ifilde," of a size which trill range widi the alit horla.11 editions of th • Saerel Text;

with hundred wood-eel learn ...t and must ft:Oh...laic .,auras. Pol. I.

explaiitttory l`lotea and Illostrati0114 of tIle "1)11401'131 Bible " are here priotcd -sep:oate Irmo the text, so :14 I., login a C,111,1)101. c.. .11(11. let1.1.11 to 111, C.).101,3•11a. 'Idle lirut N'1■111`00 ijledi,:tes the 1'ent a", orb, and tout sic, t s gi ;olorio.;t lima a v.iriety of F`Qure:ry many of mshiczh are Or rcrruL ltiril'OVcry, WI Ilse ii:11,11-, and flemitura of the A talts awl Ea, rt rtos ; the piotin ea in the boob., of Thel,,'; famishing or:curate represent Mime; of the i•ast aloe A, I•. of anemil. blo;p1; end the late Blustiaterl Shaksinre, Part XVIII. aggravated or relieved.


Remarks on Occurrences:in China since the Opium-seizure III 3.1arCh 1839, The Punishment of Beath by Lane; an .argument in the way of dialogue' With a Letter to Basil law toque, .k..sti. By Lord NucENT. to conceive upon what grounds he forms this view, si],e L. '

Gallery of the house of Cinntnons. Written 14 SC11001-recitation. Se• even in the colour of the eyes and hair, it is but rens, e: : .: - 1