TAP _Metropolis.
The Houses of Lords and Commons met on Thursday afternoon pro forma, fur the farther prorogation of Parliament, by Royal commis- sion, to the 12th ..;ovetnber.
The ma:is:ration of Parliamentary voters for the county of Middle- sex has been proceeding without exciting much interest. The results, as far as they are known, appear to favour the Conservative:;. The name of A id noel Harmer was expunged from the list on Saturday, on the ground of elmage of resideuce. He claimed to vote for premises in Hatton Garden.
The revision of the lists fur Westminster commenced on Monday. A great number of oljeetinos have been made to the scot and lot voters ; but the decisions ia these are calculated to mislead, as most of the
parties 0*. ;hoe ere re;dstered as householders. On Tuesday,
the name t• Si!! t , nee of the ex-Sheriffs, was struck off
the list. Ile eiehsa• vete for prt.1111■•etilil liCat111rt 1311111.1107s, Strand, which he let w.z OA Thursday, the names of Viscount
Palmer-o n a:A t. i -ant Cria.ston were struck out of the lists ; the
former on ;:••,. ,.! r• e!::i.;._e of -residence, and the latter for want of
sufficient : cf fe:elec.:on.