10 OCTOBER 1840, Page 3

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are—every one of us I") Is there even a hit of a placehunter amongst you ? (Cries of "So, no!" and laughter.) Hit rained places, Lord Ebrington would not let one of them full upon one of your heads, because you are Repeaters. (Groans.) So, then, you are all Repeaters? (Cries of " Ire are ! ") And you will join with Inc in this struggle?" (Cries qr" Ire ") In his speech at the dinner, when proposing the health of the Lord- Lieutenant, he expressed himself more fully- " Gentlemen, it is now- my duty to propose a toast whirl would ten days ago have been utTered with unqualified approbation. No species of apology or qualification would then have be, n tequila d. If events have since taken place which, in obedience to the opinions I :how and entertain, compel me now to speak of the object of this tout with less unqualified approbation, I am not to blame, and it is not my intent inn on this occasion to seek a cause for blaming any one else. The toast of the Lord-Lieutenant is qualified, you o ill perceive, by the wording of it—'The Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland as an old and steady friend to constitutional rights, he ought to know that a P.Sbple can never be turned front their purposes by place or pension, aor deterred by coercion from legal and peaceable exertions for Ilair regeneration. "These qualifications in- dicate the opinicos floating in the minds of the Committee at the time they drew up the toast ; and I am not prepared to say that the Committee were wrong in introducing taase qualificatious: on the contrary, I an eutirely and decidedly of opinion that ;lay were right. The first lila:A.1On that was asked me, after I hail read tlaf recent harnague of his Excellency to the Lord Mayor of Dublin, was—. Was I not angry .111.y.: reply was prompt—' o liar from being angry. I am very notch pleased with it. Its effects, I hope, will be most tool's:a it will create this feeling in an honest and high- spirited nation—Repealers are disinteresial; they can Live no hope of Govern-

ment atronage ; A it I; alers are 10,,I,ing 'Mr sonlething. The plata:hunters avoid us; but the effect o ill be most item:Li:11 : the worthless and inutile chaff

will be separated from the sane,:! ! corn ; while that which cannot feed will float on the wilef of (a•tl;1', favour, the sound corn will be turned to

good purposes—it will cc the mental indigence of the :fat ion, and ultimately be conducive to nationsl regoieratiell. The ocerisloo was not a

good one which Lord Eltrington chose for the introduction of this topic he was over eager to lie at it ; it was fairly thrust in by the head and shouhlers. It was so bubbling. and Lusting in his mind. that he actually exploded it in the face of the Recorder, much in the fashion of a bottle of soda-water ; and like it in its effects—a area; dad of mdse. but very littie strength or substance. And, by the way, it woes one of the lauefits of the Corporation Bill, that the three of which lid speesh f amed a paa v.-as on this occasion exhibited 14 the last time. Oh, it was ail ‘tliCy ing slla, the 1 f....cordcr getting up to cover with pralse the oat, n me:Wars it fading coloration. la the first plitee, the Re-

corder les'-_t1 tie Lord iyar and his stiecct-sor; but right good care he took not to praise the new one', siaces son Alter this he set to work to praise him- self, the most urfortunate pat, of the matter. Then up lase Judge Barton, and at the age of some ei,lity-four or eighty-lire years, commenced telling the Lord Mayor what Lis p.,:recasors bad dune, what sonabtaly else hod done, and what he himself' was to a.,.•'

Mr. O'Connell adverted to the castigation administered by the Lord- Lieutenant to Mr. Reconler Shaw for the infrequency of his gaol-deli- veries, and to the incoesisteney of his Excellency in saying that the Recorder was a very good officer, and then, in the same breath, re- proaching Ilia fir keepiog men in oatel so much longer than was ne- cessary. Ile then proceeded-

" Lint Ear:natsn theclar.:a that Repealers should have none of the patrennge or counter:once of (Sosereei, at. 1 thank Mtn fur that declaration. I thank Lim thr the delive: .1:re—:le itI.1: a I a. to tee. A sdiert time since, it was incredible the kin of spe11 11.:0. '," .1)0 be made to one. I was conti-

nually receiving r.•,.1•• tts to a. t n:pointed to situations ; and the letters

were generally actoea aka:: ii Iii aane ot.ii eaosreation as one word from you can do it.' 1 have 1 us:: eskol to a Fpoiat one inan to the command of a seventy- four—another to 1..• a.:,.rnor of a col my—a third, forsooth, (and that such an

application ' fa.atle to me is ths :or:oast of the matter,) to a the Chura. I:I.:lag:on clears me a'om all further difficulties of this kind. I are; : rise ,opposed top ;thy 1I.11ileare with hint ; I am a Repealer. asi. r v. Le any thin:: wiloint$ burst of apart:se d t/.:1 dnIl.• ,,1.) 1 owe Lis L. radap tlas debt of gratitude; 1.1,t I owe him yet r...a• • la r. 1 his s;aacli has bronthit terwead a foregone coaclusion--- that no Irish, Libef..! a ell." be a Unittahst emarpt trot motives i,P interest. 'There

is, in fact, au ora.t...at it. fay,::: I:id:mists, he admits, want argu-

ment; and he 1, . (at to catch and retain them—he holds up the

loaves anti tlada.... o. ,ral men. from any conscientious considera-

tion, o. I To op, •.■-•5 1G p.ol 01. 1:Litni. T111:3 is evidently his coavit'a it 1.,,he fat- .:daft 1: ;simian armal be hate or 61:su- ds:a • • 1. t 1: ... ne-rea- Sas they say the country) he got sera •I• . 1: ? :.• r re. :erit.::: ',ant elicit he gI;v,:-

Lis ; ;. • I.ii..- ,tinions are we: z h their o - e • it: -•• a IA.! i+ • people la,v, a: to as .s a, correct opioita: s, I a. f• •attitm. Now I dechir:

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to La,rI doter. Lot 1, in Dublin on Friday, convened by Mr. John O'Connell to take into coll. sideration the declaration of the Lord-Lieutenant against Repeal. At this meeting an address was agreed to, which, after recapitulating the substance of Lord Ebrington's speech, proceeds to declare— I. Au open, manly, firm declaration, on the part of friend or opponent, it entitled to respect. 0 That respect is, in the present instance, enhanced by the contrast between the conduet of the illustrious maker of this declaration and that of the orb, taken and misguided individual 'into filled his high post during the forma Repeal agitation. It is further enhanced by the experience we have had of the liberal, enlightened, and statesmanlike policy that has throughout marked the government of Lord Ebrington.

" That respect and gratitude we owe him for thus steadily following in alit footsteps of his illustrious predecessor the Marquis of Normality, should make us, in putting forward our principles in reference to his declaration, doss without heat or harshness of expression—with equal openness, firmness, and resolution, and at the same time with a proper appreciation of his high tur: honourable conduct now, as on all former °mations.

" We are as firmly and as fully convinced of the good that would result tJ both riot from the Repeal of the Union, as Lord Ebrington can he of the contrary ; and we are, of course, perfectly convinced of the practicability of its being carried.

ii We are its firmly determined to use no other than legal and constitutional menus to chef- that Repeal, ns he can be to prevent the adoption of means of 3 violent and illegal character.

" And his Excelhatcy may be most fully confident that he will find us, Re. pealers, foremost in supporting sod vindicating the cause of a pence, law, tut: order'—fur this reason, l'ellOw-rOantryalell, if for no other, that we at: convinced that nothing hut the breaking it the law by the advocates of fie: peal Can ever prevent the glorious accomplaliment of that glorious measure! " In these feelings, these convictions, these determinations, we are confident you join us; and in now giving them expression we know that we are speakinz your voice—the voice of the Irish nation."

The Repeaters of Claremorris assembled in the town of Clare on Sa turday last, for the purpose of aiding the great movement on behalf of Repeal. The Reverend Father Hughes moved a resolution for pro. hibiting the consumption of every species of British manufbeture. lit said he never proposed at any meeting a resolution of which he more highly approved. It had also the decided approbation of seventeen priests in this barony, and of every Catholic priest and bishop in the provinee. The plan he proposed had three advantages—first, it had been the foundation of the national prosperity of England; secondly, its adoption and practical operation arc free front the violation of soos haw, human and divine ; nay more:, every law, human and divine, renders its practical adoption obligatory and imperative. Thirdly, the plan consists of such easy and simple machinery that it can be worked at the same moment by every man, wontan, and child in the country possessing one penny. (Cries " Hear, hear !" and loud cheers.) The reverend gentleman admitted there were plausible objections to his plan, but they °Ply came from the enemies of Ireland. lie con- cluded by calling on his auditors to join in the following pledge-

" 1 promise Iran this liwth not to purchase any commodity or article of jar. tonal or domest:c comfort or enjoyment that is not of Irish manulaci ma if such can be paostred ut any convenient distanee from where I live, until the Union is repealeti."

This pledge was most enthusiastically repeated by every one at the meeting, consisting at least of I OM° souls.

Mr. Robert l.lillon Browne, 31.1'., and Mr. Alexander O'Malley fol- lowed in the same strain, and the meetinst peaceably separated.

A general meetiog of the Ulster Reform Association was held on Thursday, in ths Theatre at Belfast. Although this society is only a

few months old, the numerous attendance denoted growth and ih, l'Ite Earl of Charlemont presided; and Mr. Sharman Crawford, the Earl of Gosford, esl Cremorne, Sir Robert Adair, the Honourable Mr. Caulfield, and Mr. Mg/owlet!, Q.C., were among the speakers l'he chief objects of the Society scent to be, to carry out the principle of what is called " Reform," to promote the registration of Liberal votes to oppose Lord Stanley's Registration Bill, and above all, to " heep out the Tories." A hint that "anion is strength " was more thin once flung at the Repeaters.

The Lord-Lieutenant has been at Ballinasloe during the great fair held there this week. A complimentary addree; was presented to his Lordship on 'Monday, franc the inholdtants of the town and neighbour-

hood. an Matthew was also at 1 1.dliilasht. The Lord-Lieutenant in lets,ilig through the fair, out Monday, reeognized hint and sainted hint roast cordially.

'Lice following extract front Father Mathew's last address to ths people of Cork is calculated to vest a damp upoit the hopes of those NS!,, expected the aerinanent establishment or orderly hours as the result, of his exertions to the people to be sober. The numbers who have siolaaod the pledge in this city elmost incline me to husk that they are o!edieately bent nil their owu destruction. Cork is OW lady

pha,_! the 11-Is Levu viol:dad, owl violated to such ell eeriest that, when in Contomeht tool Leinster, 1 have 1)011 actually reosl the Cark papers, so mealy instances were reeorded elf people haviog been brought before the Magistrates for the crime IA drunkenness."

The numhsr of sheep sold at 1 ',Ain:odor, on Monday and l'ulsolay,

ii lit f;!1,771.) j Tile VIM Wa.Ifi,•I'S oat be- tween es. tual 111:..4.1' that WI lie-t year ; cwt's, WCFC fully as. lower.