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sufficiently specific, resolutions were passed, acknowledging, in the, strongest terms, the judgment, patience, and consideration which the proceedings of the London Board evinced; expressing the fullest confidence in the Directors; and authorizing the immediate appro- priation of all the funds which had been previously remitted. They further intimated that a union of the principal parties had taken place, from which a vast accession of subscribers might be expected; and recommended the purchase or hire of a steamer, to occupy the line between Suez and Calcutta, (a measure which had been already anticipated, as the India steamer left Plymouth filll of pas. sengers on Sunday morning for Calcutta, for this purpose,) ) and the immediate supply of fuel to the depots. The unequivocal and universal expression of opinion upon the question, induced the withdrawal front the chair of Mr. Turton, who, with Messrs. Grant and Colquhoun, re» tired from the Committee. The official letters also announce the union of parties, and remit a further sum of 7,0001. on account of subscrip- tions to Mr. Curtis's Company, with the intimation on the part of no less than seventy of the principal firms, whose names are attached to a resolution, that they pledge themselves to support Mr. Curtis to the fullest extent in their power, in carrying out that which they believe will be the only measure of real and permanent benefit to the interests of all India.—Yedion News, No. V.
The intelligence from North-western India is very contradictory. It seems certain, however. that a son of -Wirral) Khan, who was killed last year at the taking of Khelat, still kept the territory round that place is a state of disturbance.
The Ghilzees Lad been reduced; but they had furnished one among several causes uf ,lispute between the British Government and the Go- vernment of the Punjab. The Sultan Mohamed Khan had given re- fuge to some Ghilzee ft, i.ives, and bad allowed them to escape when demanded by the British; and the Sikhs of the Punjab 11.1.'1e called upon to aid cu punishing ?.ilohatucel. It was supposed that although the Sikhs had encouraged the Sultan in his contumacy, they would sacrifice him to propitiate the British Government. The other points in dispute with the Punjab Government were—a free passage through the Pun- jab for our troops proceeflieg either to or from Afghanistan ; an ad- justment of boundariee between tine Silchs and Shah Sonja, on the side of Peshawar and the Bent Jut ; the presence of the Mahommedan force, which the Sikhs are required by treaty to maintain in the vicinity of Peshawar, for the service of the Shak ; and a revisal of the present rate of toile levied by the Sikh Government for the navigation of the Sutlej and holm-.
His Golden-footed Majesty of Burmah's throne, says the Bombay Gazette, appears far from secure, although at his recent installation he made the late King first ascend the throne of state, and then and there formally cede it to him in the face of the court. There are re- ports of a general revolt in the provinces; and as troops have been snored, there appears some ground fur the rumour.
The English fleet was less advanced on ite way to China than had been supposed. Admiral Elliot arrived at Siazapore on the 16th Jane, in the Meh.ille, and he went forward on the flillowing day. Com- modor.- Sir C,•rdoll Bremer lead advanced no further than the island or
nth) Saiatta, ai,crt half-way Sinaapore and Macao. on the 13th
June. It was considered iorOlo,!de that Admiral with his divi- sion of the fleet, wouil °eel t„ke Sir Gordon Bremer's division before it reached Canton ; or that the Admiral might even pass the Coat" modure, and reach Canton first.
It was supposed at Singapore that Admiral Elliot was the bearer ef leetreetiens for the most rigid measures. Jut rc3 the British ships
orris el in the port, a jeidt tet sail on the return yo are to china ; but it Was pursued anel hy the Blonde; and shortly afterwards three other junks, all that there then is the roads, were seized. Ors the next day, j•inks were all lilierateu, ("ilinesc were limiting active, if not very formidable pre-
pariniaris the .•. of the squadron. The f. 'ratan Prow of May
sates. that .:.•ver.d. lar• •.- janits, loaded s' .net here been an-
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b, build new h. not Ithown.
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irlet and ott tin. (.ro., :171111 111.1.Ileko'11; IIZta beaten (a twenty juiffie, eni the tled es, 11. nese I Alev, ti _ Hellas, Ceptaiii ;1•••,:1.1101 by eight ee: ie. .e ,.;ee al1.1 three large puiiine-bettte, derine a (:.!le, id the Brothers, to
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