The Pope, whom Mr. Disraeli has thus hastily summoned as
a sort of grand spiritual scarecrow to frighten away the flocks of voracious Liberals from the seed-corn of the Irish Establishment, has, unfoituhately for him, seized the opportunity of the approach- ing (Ecumenical Council to indite a very weak, prolix, and dreary sort of rigmarole to Protestant Christians, -not, as was supposed and telegraphed, inviting z them to attend.-theCouncil, but "improving the occasion " of a Council of Catholics for their benefit,- and pointing but to them how Wicked it is not to submit to the Holy SiSe. No address ever delivered, even to a Church Congress or an International Association, could have been more rambling or devoid of matter and drift. If the poor old gentleman be declared the infallible organ of his Church, it will certainly be a striking proof of its faith in the supernatural guidance of facul- ties much below those of the average man. An insane Pope would not, we suppose, be accepted as the adequate official organ of the Holy Spirit, in spite of being individually of unsound mind?
At what stage, then, in the decay of human faculty would the official inspiration cease ?