10 OCTOBER 1868, Page 24

Representative Men. By Ed ward Watford, M.A. (Bennett.)—Mr. Walford selects

nineteen men, three of whom, Thackeray, Faraday, and Whewell, are no longer living, as "representative men in literature, science, and art." This selection it would, of course, be very easy to criticize. But though there are great names omitted, there is no one who has not some claim to admission. Mr. Tupper, who is the most open to question, certainly "represents " a large public. We can under- stand, too, that there are certain exigencies of choice when a partnership of this kind has been established between a literary man and a photo- graphic artist. We can honestly say, however, that the book is worth possessing. Mr. Walford's narrative is written in good taste, and his criticisms are judicious. Nor can there be any question about the excellence of Mr. Ernest Edwards' portraits.