you allow me to correct a misprint in my letter which you were good enough to publish last week? For, "A examines a report on B's form," read, "A examines and reports." May I at the same time call your attention to a circular of the two Vice-Chancellors, dated December, 1873? In it they state that "the Board will receive applications for the appointment of Examiners from the authorities of any school which has a regu- larly constituted governing body, or prepares a fair proportion of its boys for the Universities." I know of no private-adventure school which would satisfy these requirements.—I am, Sir, &c.,
[Our correspondent has but a limited experience, if he knows of no private-adventure school which prepares a fair proportion of the boys for the Universities. But even if there were none, the Universities' Conjoint Scheme is but in its initial stage, and is not, in our opinion, as yet even proposing to do any great pro- portion of the work which it is most important to the country that it eventually should do.—En. Spectator.]