A report has been current all the week that a
body of Carlists at Durango had mutinied, had clamoured for the dismissal of General Dorregaray, and on Don Carlos intervening, bad shot him in the stomach. No part of this story, which seriously affected Spanish Funds, has been confirmed, and it is probably an ex- aggeration of some public remonstrance addressed to Don Carlos against the severity of the discipline maintained by Dorregaray, who has been allowed leave of absence "to recruit his health." General Elio succeeds him. If dissensions of any kind have broken out in the Carlist ranks, no advantage has been taken of them by Serrano's Government, which occupies itself mainly in removing Generals just as their plans are laid. Pavia, for ex- ample, has been summarily deprived of his command. Nothing energetic has been done towards crushing Carlism since Marshal Concha fell, and so great is the general lassitude on the Repub- lican side, that the Politica, Serrano's organ, asks for interven- tion, and observers accuse the Spanish Generals of wishing the war to last, that they may draw full pay.