10 OCTOBER 1908, Page 16


[TO THE .EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—I am much obliged to Mr. Ritch for supplying in your last issue official confirmation of the fact which I asserted in your issue of the 26th that the Indians who served in the Transvaal were non-combatants. I do not think that this would be clear to the ordinary reader of the phrase, "the battlefields where they served"; and it is important that it should not be supposed that coloured combatants served in the South African War. (I am sorry that to express my meaning I am driven to the use of the word "coloured.") I am not unaware of the sufferings endured by the Transvaal Indians. It is because I admire the dignity and courage of

Mr. Gandhi, and those for whom he speaks, that -I protest against the publication (for the second time) of the offer to be shot. This offer is unreal; and therefore it seems to me unworthy of its promoters.—I am, Sir, &c.,