Mr. Chamberlain said that he was profoundly thankful that at
last the exchange of Notes had ceased and Allied and German statesmen -were meeting round a table for a frank and most friendly discussion. All the world must view with good-will this sincere effort to get away from the animosities and bitterness of the past. " Let the dead past bury its dead." If the foundations of peace could not be laid in such a heavenly spot as Locarno, peace must have flown from this earth and taken refuge elsewhere. When asked his opinion on the negotiations between M. Chicherin and the German Government, Mr. Chamberlain answered that he was quite satisfied with the assurances which had been given by Dr. Stresemann. The Foreign Ministers present besides Mr. Austen Cham- berlain and Dr. Stresemann are M. Briand for France, M. Vandervelde for Belgium and Signor Scialoja for Italy.