Those Who Destroy. By M. D. Cole. (Duckworth. 7s. 6d.)
An unusual story of unhappy love. The heroine, Lydia, falls deeply and sincerely in love with a talented young man who is as egotistic as he is sensitive and brilliant. She realizes slowly and sorrowfully that Nicholas, though he is glad to see her, grateful for her inspiration and help, responsive to her affection, yet does not care for her deeply enough to want more than a liaison. It is not the material security of marriage which she seeks, but the spiritual security and warmth. Yet in spite of her misery, Nicholas is so dear to her that she cannot break down her infatuation, or turn elsewhere for the comfort she needs. The book is sensitively written and shows a consider- able understanding of human nature and of human types. It presents very ably one of those situations—formerly settled by convention—which the modem self-supporting and self- responsible woman sometimes feels forced to face : and it does so without undue sensationalism.