NEWS OF THE WEEK rp HE greatest operations of the
war on the eastern front,- 1. which means the greatest operations in the history of the world—are now in progress, and their development must be awaited with serious anxiety. The evacuation of Orel, the railway-junction on the Kharkov-Moscow line, adds a third point of definition to the latest German thrust and represents the most serious advance the Germans have yet made. Vyazma lies only some 140 miles west of Moscow. Orel is about the same distance due south, as Bryansk is south-west. The exten- sion to this new and important junction suggests that the assault is being delivered on a broad front and has met with considerable success. The occupation of Orel suggests a new threat to the Donetz basin. The Germans further claim to have struck down behind the Russian army which was attack- ing the flank of the German advance into the Crimea and to have reached the Sea of Azov some miles to the east. It is obvious that the offensive must secure initial successes, but the gravity of the present advance lies in the plight of the troops in the Stholensk area as well as on the extreme left of the southern flank. Hitherto the thrusts have tended to lose their impetus after a week or ten days of advance under the weight of the Russian resistance and the difficulties of their own communications. The present is the first occasion on Which Moscow has been directly threatened, and as Hitler has openly associated himself with the attack the bulk of the German forces will certainly be involved in it before it is allowed to die down. The issue may be decid61 by the strength of Russia's reserves.