Letters to the Editor
The Public Schools
lion. Hilary A. Marquand, MP John Bull's Schooldays D. A . J. Simpson,
Lawrence Stone, Robert Nott
Festival Hall Exhibitions T. E. Bean Air Bookings David Butler Recruitment Ex-National Serviceman ITV Progr. es Joy Leslie-Gibson, John Irwin The Canker in our Midst F. W. Knight, Peter Earl Scarborough via Lincoln David W. Lloyd Not Fit for Canines R. Harvey Johns Voluntary Work Hontecomer Orde Wingate Christopher Sykes Mental Hospitals Lady Taylor
SIR,—Taper became really angry last week because the Labour Party Conference showed its active dis- like of the 'public' schools. He referred to these institutions as 'containing a high proportion of the best education going.' But doesn't he read the Spectator? In the very same issue you printed one more of your valuable series about these very peculiar places; they confirm the impression one de- rived long ago from reading Alec Waugh or Shane Leslie. It may be, for all I know, that some of my colleagues who went to these places think it right to send their sous where they went themselves. That is their affair and I would never interfere with their freedom to do so. I can assure you, however, that the overwhelming majority of us are deeply grateful that we went home from school every night to our own homes, our own parents and our own sisters and that we got to know our sisters' friends and their families in the way that the vast mass of our people do. We would no more dream of sending our sons to one of these institutions than we would of giving debutantes' dances for our daughters.—Yours faithfully,