What does it say?
Sir: Parliament is to be asked to approve the Maastricht Treaty despite the Danish rejection which legally killed it. Are we to assume that in Mr Major's opinion the Danish decision does not count, or does his crystal ball foretell agreement by Denmark after he has forced the treaty through Par- liament?
So far I have not met anyone who knows what the treaty actually says. We are told what Mr Major is alleged to have had taken out of it, though this is disputed by Den- mark. I am reminded of Edward Heath's undertaking that the United Kingdom would only join the EEC with the whole- hearted consent of the British people. This was, of course, not obtained in advance or even asked for and we were bundled into it. Is this going to happen again?
One must wonder why we have not been told what is in the treaty, and why some public-spirited newspapers have not pub- lished, in large print and simple English, the main points. The Government is evi- dently determined that we shall not find out until it has forced its way through Par- liament.
James Dandy
Dandys, Kings Mill Lane, Great Shelford, Cambridge