Sermons Preached during 'Lent, 1864, in Great St. Mary's Church,
Cambridge. (Macmillan and Co.)—These eleven discourses wore delivered on the Wednesdays and Fridays during Lent, almost immedi- ately after there-opening of the church, which has recently been restored. The preachers are the Bishop of Oxford, Messrs. Liddon, Claughton, Woodford, Burgon, Carte; Bailer, Drs. Goulburn and Pusey, and the Deans of Chichester and Ely. Lovers of pulpit eloquence can scarcely fail to_ find something here to their taste ; though many of the sermons are more polemical in their tone than is, we think, generally desirable. Mr. Burgon is of coarse especially violent. The opinion of those who shrink from the notion of an eternity of torment inspires him with disgust and abhorrence, in which Christian frame of mind we must leave the reverend gentleman.