The New Koran of the Pacffican Friendliood, or Text-book of
Turkish Reformers in the Teaching and Example of their esteemed Master Taido Morata. (George Manwaring.) — This volume we da not pretend to comprehend. It is divided into the books of "Labours," "Questions,"' "Counsels," and " Duties." Each book is subdivided into chapters and verses, and the phraseology of the Bible is sedulously imitated. The writer is not a believer in Christianity. What his opinions are we confess we have not had the patience to ascertain. But if the treatise is to be taken seriously we should from its form judge the writer to be a lunatic. If it is a squib, it is the longest, dullest, heaviest, and most fatuous squib that it has over been our ill-fortune to meet with.