The proclamation of the French Republic has produced a very
• distinct effect on the sympathies of the English operative class, 'which were, we take it, decidedly German, but are likely to become decidedly French now that the French Republic has 'repudiated the war of aggression, and declares its only object to 'be the expulsion of the foreigner from the French territory. On -Wednesday, a large meeting of the working-class was held at the Arundel Hall, Arundel Street, Strand, under the presidency of Mr. Edmund Beales, where Mr. Odger and others declared at once their sympathy with the new French Government, and had to be stopped by the president, who deprecated any taking of sides at a meeting held only to promote the attainment of peace,—which, by the way, it is hardly possible that in any conceivable way it could promote, unless by acting on German opinion, which it would hardly do as long as the strictly impartial line is taken. It is -obvious enough, however, that if the French Republicans really .enter on a great defensive struggle, the sympathies of the English -working-class will soon be enthusiastically with them.