[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—Bearing on this subject is my own experience, which I imagine is not so common as that described in your interesting article in the Spectator of September 3rd. I am not a sound sleeper, and wake several times during the night. I nearly always know what time it is when I awake—generally within ten minutes or a quarter of an hour—even when darkness lasts many hours of the night. I am partially deaf, and cannot hear any clock strike. The only theory I have been able to make is that the brain—or the body generally—is conscious
how long it has rested.—I am, Sir, &c., C. S.
[The peculiarity is not uncommon. The present writer has
it in a high degree, both when sleeping and awake. It pro- bably arises from an unconscious or half-conscious but con- tinuous attention to the flight of time.— ED. Spectator.]