A Renter's telegram of Thursday announces that the organ of
the Premier of Newfoundland, Sir William Whiteway, has declared in favour of Newfoundland entering the Dominion. Since the terrible fire at St. John's in the beginning of July, public opinion has been setting in this direction, and the generous help sent from Canada after the disaster has strengthened the desire for union. If this turns out to be authentic, it will be good news both for the United Kingdom and Canada. Our relations with the great Colonies are much more easily managed than those with the small ones, and the Dominion will gain in weight and influence by its new pro- vince. We suspect, however, that before long the Dominion will strongly press for the abolition of the French rights over a portion of the Newfoundland coast, and that this may prove embarrassing. That question, however, must take its chance. The important thing is, that Greater Britain should get grouped into three great communities,—one in America, one in Australia, and one in South Africa. `„That accomplished, a race alliance may cease to be a dream.