News of the Week
THE Trades Union Congress, which opened at Edin- burgh on Monday, has shown a plain inclination towards direct negotiation between employers and em- ployed in an attempt to build up a better machinery for industrial peace. This is an extremely important and encouraging fact, partly disguised though it has been by a great deal of invective of the usual sort against the Government and Capitalism. Mr. George Hicks in his Presidential address said that the line of direct negotia- tion had never been properly tested. He believed that by co-operation both the efficiency of industry and the workers' standard of life could be raised. He fortified his argument, fitfully and indirectly but not the less prac- tically, by his reference to the "crude arrogance of the Russians in telling us how to conduct our own affairs."
• On Tuesday the Congress passed by acclamation an emergency resolution, moved by Mr. Bevin and seconded by Mr. J. H. Thomas, which had been framed as an answer to Mr. Baldwin's appeal on August 27th for industrial peace.
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