The Autumn's Broadcasts The activities of the B.B.C. are now
a vital part of the social and intellectual life of the country. Unfortunately, they are so multifarious that in a journal such as this no more is possible than to draw attention to one or two of their more conspicuous features And commend to all concerned the admirable booklets (B.B.C. Talks), in which coming projects are succinctly described. In the next few months peculiar interest will centre in the pilgrimages of Mr. Vernon Bartlett, who in the capacity of" a wandering microphone "is to voyage round Europe, study foreign countries on the spot and present the result of his observations in those characteristic talks in which he has achieved unchallenged mastery. Popular talks on health and popular talks on law are two inno- vations sincerely to be welcomed. Rightly handled, as no doubt they will be, they should be quite as entertaining as instructive. Listeners whose speciality is complaining ook like having disappointments in store.