Snt,—While holding no brief for Communism, I feel that Mr.
Chaldecott is going too far in asserting that " it is the plain duty of _Christians and responsible citizens of the West to remove this [Communism] and any other scourge from the face of the earth wherever it may exist." One can only infer from•Mr. Chaldecott's letter that he would like us to declare war on Russia immediately,. because the Western Powers do not approve of her system of government.
While it is true that we must try at all times to combat the menace of Communism in our own land and in other nations by the peaceful means of influence and example—and this is evidently not possible in Russia—surely it is the essence of Christian democracy that each nation shall have the right to its own kind of government and economic system without fear of interference from outside.—I am, Sir, yours
R.A.F., Sandwich, Kent.