Crossword 624
A prize of ten pounds will be awarded for the first correct solution Opened on 26 September. Entries to: Crossword 624, The SPectator, 56 Doughty Street, London WC1N 211.
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c ued lights have something in common which so vers must name, 16 Across is in the OED but not in Chambers. Ignore one accent.
Name .............. ...................
Address ...........................................................................
ACROSS 1 Hill charges, as it were, after a century then declares (13, hyphened) 8 Shaping tool almost makes a depression (4) 10 I'm one with passion for musical instruction (10) 12 No more praise for Anita (4) 16 A let-down for old vinegar (5)
17 With closed ranks having lost face was wrong (5) 23 Bacteria give one a sick turn after knocking back nearly three pints (7)
24 The last of the line's threatening danger (5) 25 One of Daphne's family's a monster (5) 30 Muscle providing energy for col- lege head (7) 32 I'm overwhelmed by birds in social gatherings (7) 36 Mac's doggerel rhymeless and unfinished gets the palm (5) 38 Native European of the first degree (6) 39 Stick of a fakir, I hear (4) 40 What may be bent in France in type of clue almost cryptogamic (10) 41 Code initiator for fences (4) 42 Eavesdropping aids find at least three rings (13) DOWN 1 Muscle to get you well in step (5) 3 Ahead of a good-looker? (6) 4 'The sea-green incorruptible'? A bit of a bore! (5) 5 Unexpectedly a retreat in the south of France (7) 6 Spenser's thrust with confusion once (6) 7 Tourist gives weight of coin for mint and queen (9)
11 Usual square leg, say, isn't need- ed (6)
13 Marine animal is another almost white (7, hyphened) 15 Was hurt and is with a shade of difference about it (8) 19 To buy and sell cheap drink gives surgeon something to help him scrape through! (8) 21 Idle money provides a sweetener in the shape of a cigar (9, hyphened) 22 Throw into confusion and risk ruin (7) 26 Hail storm causes loss by damage to ship (7) 31 Edible grass pink? That's not right! (6) 33 In Scotland we follow game no more (5) 34 Be off!, as said once, when taken in by one of the birds (5) 35 A race that's been fixed or mixed (5)