11 APRIL 1829, Page 14


Tuesday, March 31.

PARTNERsUIPS DISSOLVED. T. Knight and II. W. Partridge, Charles-street, City-road, perfumers—G. Taylor and It. Clark, Farnham' Surrey, surgeons—C. Miller and W. B. Dickinson, Hastings, surgeons—W. Pipe and J. Handley, Birmingham, heavy steel-toy-makers—J. Vink and P. Vink, Circus, Minories, commission-merchants—J. Atkins and B. Benno, Congreve.street, St. Pancras, shopkeepers—W. Rothery, J. Rothery, jun. and J. Rothery, Lancaster, printers—F.11. Knowles and '1'. W. Harby, Threadneedle-street, ship imotrance-brokers—W. Seagrim, sen. W. Seagrim, jun. and G. Seagrim, Wilton, Wiltshire, common-brewers—D. Miller and J. Munson, Dundee, drapers—Robert Roberts and J. Curtis, Park-terrace, Camden Town, :surgeons—J. Heyes and '1'. H. Reyes, Regent-street, glovers and hosiers—G. Duckworth and W. Meares, Fleet- street, printers—B. Heywood and '1'. Heywood, Manchester, bankers--J. Howard, E. Lunt, J. Hugon, and W. Dick i nson, Liverpool, brick-makers—R. Booth, A. Booth, and J. Seabridge, Lane-end, Stoke-upon-Trent, Statfordshire, inanufacturers of china—B. Cole and J. 11. Child, Lothbury, brokers—M. Triaud, F. J. N. De Titter, and C. N. Mesureur, Bolton-street, Piccadilly, merchants.


April 9—Titosus Ds ceixsox, Liverpool, timber-merchant. April 7—Tuonus Htrucoce, Middleton, Rockingham, Northamptonshire, horse-



WI L LI AM BA D LP' MOT?, late of Brighthelmstone, builder.

JOHN QUICK and FREDERICK JAMES CROWN, Stonehouse, Plymouth, millers.

Tts 0Mas Goss, Newton Abbot, Devonshire, mercer and draper.


THOMAS BEDPilan, Goewell-street, carpentar, to surrender April 14, 25, May 19,

at the Bankrupts' Court, Basinghall-etreet : solicitors, Messrs. Fisher and Rhodes, Davies-street, Grosven ar-sie I are. JAMES CRAMP Pinunix Wharf, Pickle Herring, Surrey, corn-factor, April 14,24,

May 19, at the iankrupts' Court, Basingliall-street : solicitor, Mr. Barlow, Austin-


• Ug,,itnE 11 IS Li., Regent-street, tailor, April 14,24, May 19, at the Bankrupts' Court, Basinghall-street : solicitor, Mr. Leigh, George-street, 3fansionhouse.

DI.vrTitEw Pori., late of Realms Norris and Manchester, coach-proprietor, April 24, 25, May 19, at the Warren BalIceley Arms, Stockport: solicitors, Messrs. .1. and

H. Lowe, Southampton-billtdings, Chancery-lane.

WE LLIAM WALToN, LiVerpool, cloth-merchant, April 27, 2S, May 19, at the Clarendon Rooms, Livsrpool : solicitors, Messrs. J. and H. Lowe, Southampton- buildings, Chancery-lane. 'ffinotAs July Or nits, Eastbourne, Sussex, wine and spirit-merchant, April 14, 24,May 19, at the Bankrupts' Court, Basinghall-street : solicitors, Messrs.Adlington, Gregory, and Faulkner, Bedford-row.

Lewis Lewis, jun. Throckmurton-street, stock-broker, April 14, 24, May 19, at the Bankrupts' Court, Basinghall-street: solicitors, Messrs. While, Rees, and II um- phry, Queen-street, Cheapside.

AnYHEO Suit f ti PyoN, Newman-street, Oxford-street, goldqinith and jeweller, April 14, 24, May 19, at the Bankrupts' Court, Ba.singhall-street : solicitors, Messrs. Ellis, %Valmsley, and Gorton, Chatregry.lanz.

TimAIAS CnAXDI.mtIL 111 so's, Russia-row, silk-manufacturer, April 14, 21, May 19, at the Bankrupts' Court, Basi ashen-street : solicitors, Messrs. Smith and Jay, King's Arms-yard, Coleman-street.

JorIN BAINEs BOND, late of the Rising Sun' Windmill-street, Haymarket, vic- tualler, April lit, 24, May 10, at the Bankrupts' Court, BasInghall-street : solicitor, Mr. Ilensman, Bond-court, Walbrook.

Titomas %VII airrox, Wyton, and Kingston-upon-Hull, merchant, April 30, May 1, 19, at the George Inn, Kingston-upon-Hull : solicitors, Mr. Juseph Knowles, New-inn.

HURDMAN LUCAS, 1)oili1114011, Lincolnshire, miller, April 15, 16, Mae 19, at the Red Cow Inn, Darlington : solicitors, Messrs. Took nod Carr, 39, Bedford-row.

Jon sr WOLLASTON, Great Castle-street, Oxford-street, wine-merchant, April 14, 21, May 19, at the Bankrupts' Court, Basinshall-street : solicitors, Messrs. Free- roans, Osborn, and Bothamley, Coleanan-street.

G aa WoRTITINGToN, Wigan, Lancashire, butcher, April 21, 22, May 19, at the Office of Mr. Henry Gaskell, solicitor, Wigan: solicitors, Messrs. Adlington, Gregory, and Faulkner, Bedford-row.

J ott s 1101IINsON, Keighley, Yorkshire, worsted stuff.marntracturer, April 15, 16, at the l'albot Dm, Bradford, May 13, at the Devonshire Arms Ian, Keighley : soli- citors, Messrs. Constable and Kirk, 10, Symmurs Inn, Clawasery-lane.

HENRY JoitssoN, Berwick-upon-Tweed, corn and seed merchant, April 22, 23, May 19, at the King's Arms lam, Berwick-upon-I:weed: solicitors, Messrs. W. and J. W. Bromley, 3, Gray's Inn-square.


April 25, W. Bailey, Dean-street, Soho, leather-seller—April 2$, P. Youngman, late of Wit Main, Essex, bookseller—April 4, A. Boon, and J. Boone, hatters—May 4, W. 'ninon and T. Penn, late of West Bromwich, Staffordshire, ironmongers—April 30, J. Clarge, Bucklebury, Berkshire. yeoman and coppice- dealer—April 28, J. Jackson, Macclesfield, eilk-tnanufacturer—April 30, J. Brook, Okehampton, Devonshire, druggist—April 30, It. Banks and A. Richardson, Boston, Lincolnshire, shipwrights—May 1, 3. Ackroyd, Sheffield, draper—April 28, T. 0. Edgley, Essex-wharf, Strand, coal-merchant.


To be minted, unless came be shown to the contrary on or before April 25.

I. Beckett, jun. az id .1. Beckett, Bilston, Staffordshire, grocer's—A. Nelson, Nelson- Street. New Town, Deptford, draper—S. Ileuzeville, Henley-upon-Thames, Oxford- shire, Halstead and Braintree, Essex, and Basinghall-street, silk. maim far:hirer- 1M. Milton, Piccadilly, horse-dealer—G. Naylor and G. Corser, Whitchureli, Shrop- shire, hanhers—J.(ii bb Crayford, Kent, miller—S. Oster, Helstone, Cornwall, grocer—C. Minton, late of Bishop's Castle, Shropshire, innkeeper—T. Bird, Liver- pool, broker.

Friday, April 3.


D. T,aird and A. Rosemary-lane, drapers—J. If. and J. F.. Toppin, Seeth- ing-lane and Galley-quay, Lower Thames-street, lightermen—R. Rodgers, P.Smitli, J. Marsh and 'I'. Shepherd, Sheffield, spring-knife manufacturers—T. Barton and L. Prenty, Manchester, pill machine manufacturers—J. Pritt, T. Case, and J. Butler, Liverpool, ironmongers. and Great Wincliester.street, so far as regards J. Butler— D. Dodgin and .1. F. Taylor, Burlington-gardens, lacemen—E. and S. Barker, Dray- ton-in-Hales, Shropshire, mercers—R. tioldie, '1'. Barber, T. B. 31'31inn and E. Lloyd, Port-au-Prince, and Liverpool—R. Barker, R. Pennington anti Co., Dayton, Lancashire, corn:non-brewers, as tar as regards It. Pennington—E. Nell, '1'. Overton, and W. Tunneon, Louth, Lincolnshire, and Kingston-upon-Hull, general merchants —C. and T. 31. Renshaw, Nottingham, hosiers—C. Haffencien, P. Boghurst, and E. Storidart, Ashford, Kent, bankers—S. L. and I. L. Lazarus, Bath, silversmiths— T. Adamson and J. Kellick, Liverpool, corn-dealers—r. Maunder and J. Baker, Culloinpton, Devonshire, woollen-manufacturers—W. L. and T. S. Gallant, Parker- street, Drury-lane, coach-smiths—N. Winsland and J. Morrell, Duke-street,Illoom s- bury, bricklayers—W. shaw and W. and It. Norman, St. John's Common, Sussex, brick-makers—T. With and It Jackson, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, joiners—T. Blan- chard and J. Poole, builders—J. Lees, sen., J. Lees, jun., and T. Daniel, Manchester, merchants.


April 9.—JABS COCKBURN, Sen. and J. jun., Berwick-upon-Tweed, corn-Mer-


SAMUEL BENNETT jun., Truro, Cornwall, grocer, from April 17 to May 1. TnoMAS1 Kizer and SAMUEL CARROLL, Fenchurch-street, brokers, from April 17 to April 24. WILLIAM SHEPPARD, Shoe-lane, Fleet-street, glass-cutter, April 17 to Apri124. •


Jos EPII BALCu, Evercreech, Somersetshire, baker.

THOMAS BEDFORD, Goswell-street, carpenter.


Jnif71 FREDERICK Munse at, Ludgate-hill, perfumer, to surrender April 21, 23, May 22,:at the Bankrupts' Court, Basinghall-street : solicitors, Messrs. Young and Ware, Blackman-street, Southwark. JOIIN CnIsTornmemt KNIGHT, FillSbUry-plate South, druggist, April 14, 21, May 22, :tt the Bankrupts' court, Bashighall-street: solicitors, Messrs. Stevens, Woud, and Wilkinson, Little St. Thomas Apostle.

THOMAS CAunkx, Oxford-street, silk-mercer, April 14, 21, May 22, at the Bank- rupts' Court, Bash tighall-street • soiicitors, Illeesrs. Clarke, Richards, and Medcalf, Ronk ItT hlum;tmes, Liverpool, linen-draper, April 29,30, May 22, at the Clarendon- buildings, Liverpool : solicitor, Mr. Chester, Staple-inn.

Cif An LES BAKER and JAMES ALLEN, Bedminster, Somersetshire, nurserymen, Apri122, 23, May 22, at the Rummer Tavern, Bristol: solicitors, Messrs. Hicks and • Braikenriiige, Bartlett's-buildings, Helborn.

THOMAS HANCOCK, Manchester, innkeeper, April 27, 28, May 22, at the York Hotel, 3Iauchester solicitors, Messrs. Adlington, Gregory, and Faulkner, Bedford- row.

SAMVEL SIMPSON Fsowea and Sours 'WORSLEY, Wath-mill, Wath-upon. Dearne, Yorkshire, flax-spinners, April 22, 23, May 22, at the office of Mr. Badger, Rotherham : solicitor, Mr. Taylor, John-street, Bedford-row.

Jams.: 1: Luz A sto, Liverpool, victualler, April 27, 28, May 22, at the Clarendon- buildings, Liverpool : solicitors, Messrs. Bebb and Gunning, Bloomsbury-square. TuoMAs SPENCER, Leeds, patten-maker, April 18, 20; May 22, at the Hen and Chickens hotel, Birmingham : solicitors, Messrs. Austen and Hobson, Raymond.. buildings, Gray's-inn.

H. J. and W. JACKsON, Leeds, leather-dressers, May 4,5, 22, at the Court-house, Leeds : solicitors, Messrs. Smithson, Dunn, and Hawdon, London.

JO1IN ANDREW, Gsberton, Lincolnshire, victualler, April 15, 16, May 22, at tile White Hart inn, Spalding: solicitors, Messrs. Willis, Watson, Bower, and Wil- lis, Tokenhouse-yard, LothIntry.

MICHAEL COLTMAN, Kingston-upon-Hull, master-mariner, Apri122, 23, May 22, at the Vittoria tavern, Kingston-upon-Hull: solicitors, Messrs. Bogue and Lam- bert, Raymond-buildings, Gray's-inn.


May 8, R. Grintwood, Rochester, Kent, draper—May 1, 0. L. Giles, and J. T, Douglas, Commercial-place, City-road, cotton-waffilinss-manufacturers—May T. 0. Thompson, Piccadilly, saddler—May 1, S. Kingsford', Ember Mill, near Thames Ditto's, miller—May 1, J. Gibbs, Crayford, Kent, miller—May 1, B. King, Wargrave, Berkshire, stage-coach.master-31 ay 8, A. Dixon and W. Taylor, Huddersfield, merchants—May 1, J. Whitehead, U. Howard, and J. Haddock, Cateaton-street, hawkers—May 1, 0. A. Lingham, Whitechapel-road, wine-merchant—May 1, W. Savage, Fetter-lane, victualler—May 1, B. Fiucham and Sons Epping, bankers— May 1, F. Greenfield, Whitecross-street, Cripplegate, surgeon—May 1, H. N. Rick- man,i Worcester-street, Southwark, brush-maker—May 5,3. Smith, Evesham, Wor- cestershire, tailor—May 4, S. Moscrop, Stockport, Cheshire, draper—May 7, G. Grey, 3Iorpeth, wood-monger.


To be granted, unless cause be shoica to the contrary On or before May 1.

0., .1., anti .1. Bolton, Wigan, Lancashire, brass-founders—T. Flack, Chatham, stnne-ma.son—R. hint rim, Manchester, manufacturing-chemist—S. Haden, Worce,- ter, scrivener—W. Lawton, 31ffitrain, Cheshire, woollen-manufacturer—J. Manger, Mount-street, Grosvenor-square, grocer—R. B. Burleigh, 13ishopsgate-street- with- out, wine-merchant—II. Payne, Goulden-terrace, White Conduit-lields, basildsr-

Pierrepoint, Edward-street, Portman-square, manner.