11 APRIL 1829, Page 4


.STOCK. EXCHANGE, FRIDAY Eve:min.—For the first three days of the 'week the transactions in our Stock Market possessed very little interest. 'The first price of Monday for Consols was 87e to ; and it had advanced on Wednesday to 871 to for money and the account. On the afternoon of that day, so little appearance of business was there, that many of the ;dealers had left the Market ; when about half an hour before the close, several eminent brokers appeared, and effected some large sales, which forced the price down to 87e to 1. A variety of motives were, as usual, assigntd for these sales, and conjectures were speedily embodied into ru- mours, which, with the exception of the report of troops going out to Portu- gal, we shall not more particularly mention. Next morning (Thursday) one or two of the newspapers appeared to give some countenance to this last re- port, and as the alarm did not subside, some Stock was sold as low as 87*; but the price soon recovered to 87+ to 1, and remained at those rates for the rest of the day. This morning the Market opened at 87+, and Stock was again sold at 871 ; but the supply of money having increased materially in consequence of the circulation of the April dividends, there was a greater e.e.mand for Money Stock, of both Consols and other descriptions than could be immediately satisfied, and the price accordingly rose by 12 o'clock to to and eventually advanced to 871 to 1 for this account, and 871 to for the May account. All the heavy Stocks have also improved; but Exchequer Bills are not higher than they were last week, and India Bonds are lower. To this renewed abundance of money must undoubtedly be attributed the quick recovery of Consols from their recent depression. That a slight further improvement may follow is not improbable from the same cause; but that the overflow of money will last for any time we have our doubts, for it does not appear that matters are much mended in the City generally. There is, moreover, considerable distrust in the sta- bility of present prices among many of the dealers in the Funds, owing to the general decay of trade ; and although we have occasionally seen that a want of opportunity for safe investment of capital in trade, causes money to flow into the Stock Exchange, yet we have never found the Funds to rise steadily for any length of time when the other interests are suffering. The immediate effect of such suffering is always felt in the revenue, which has already fallen off; and the announcement of a defi- ciency of half a million in the last quarter, on Monday, completely counteracted the effect which might otherwise have been expected from the large majority in the Lords' House on the Catholic question. In fact, many of our City politicians begin to suspect that the Duke has some reasons beyond those which have been assigned for his extreme eagerness to get that question disposed of; and not a few are of opinion that he is in haste to make all snug, as the sailors express it, in order to be ready for some coming &pull. Others, on the contrary, point to the high price of the French, Russian, and Austrian funds as an answer to such objections; and the recent pointed assurances of Ministers in both Houses on this subject, might be supposed quite satisfactory. But yet there are doubts; and many instances might easily be mentioned of the fallacious nature of such appearances and assurances.

In the Foreign Market, the South American Bonds have fallen from bad to worse; and although in some of them a sort of stand has been made, yet in all those where there was room for a fall, Brazil excepted, a further fall has taken place. At the close of our last report it was men- tioned that Colombian Bonds had been sold for 151.: on Monday they were done at 14; but at this price a stand has been made, and they con- tinue at 14 to 14k. Peruvian are at about 11, after having been sold at 101. Chilian Bonds, which stood their ground for some time tolerably

well, have fallen to upon the receipt of news that certain funds, long promised as an appropriation for dividends, had found their way into the treasury of the State, where they were too likely to be wanted for other purposes. The governors of these countries May plead poverty if they will, but their creditors have had reason for more than suspicions of their honesty also. How often have we asserted too, of the Buenos Ayres Bonds, "that peace did not necessarily imply dividends;" and it has since been seen, that no sooner was that Government relieved from the Brazi- lian war, than its members have fallen together by the ears, and a civil war seems now inevitable in that unhappy country. The Bonds were last week at 24, and are now worth only 20. The admirers of a republican form of government have certainly but little reason to felicitatethemselves on the issue of the workings of it in South America.

There have been some arrivals from Rio de Janeiro since our last, and a variety of reports which have occasioned considerable fluctuation in Brazil Bonds. The lowest price of the week was 511, and the highest, which, however, is the latest, is 541. We are unable to assign any good reason for this last rise, especially as the latest rate of exchange at Rio was as low as 27. Portuguese Stock has likewise advanced to 43i, but why or wherefore nobody pretends to say. Russian Stock is steady at 96; and French 3 per cents, were done to day at 80f., the highest puce ever known. Spanish is in shalt quo, 9.

The last packet from Rjo brought some very favourable intelligence from the mines of the Imperial Association ; a rise took place in the shares of full 201. per share, which has since been nearly maintained. A mail arrived from Mexico this morning, and the Bonds are a little better —2o1 to 21.

SATURDAY, TWELVE o'ceoce.—Consols have been 871 to 1. all the morning. Not much business doing.


Bank Stock, div. Sper Cent. 2084 3 per Cent. Reduced, 86.g 87 3 per Cent. Consols, 874 34 per Cent. 1818,

34 per Cent. Reduced, 953 Mew 4 per Cents. 1822, 1024 4 per Cents. 1826, Long Annuities, (which expire 5th Jan. 1860) 19 5-16 India Stock, div. 104 per Cent. 232 South Sea Stock, div. 34 per Cent. India Bonds, (4 per Cent. until March, 1829, thereafter 3 perCent.)

Exchequer Bills, (interest 2d. per Cent. per Diem,) 58 60

Consols for Account 874


Austrian Bonds, a per cent. Brazilian Bonds, 5 per cent. 5-14 541 Buenos Ayres 6 Cent. 20 2! Chilian, 6 per Cent. 15 17 Colombian, Ditto, 1324,6 per Cent. 14e 14e Danish, 3 per Cent. 654 652 French Spec Cents. Ditto 3 per Cents. Greek 5 per Cent. 14 15 Mexican 6 per Cent 204 201 Neapolitan 5 per Cent. Peruvian, 6 per Cent. 103 114 Portuguese, 5 per Cent. 53 534 Prussian, Russian, 964 94 Spanish, 94 92


Anglo-Mexican, 22/. 10s. 251. Brazilian, Imperial, 641. 66/. Real Del Monte, 1251. 1351. Bolanos, 265/. 2751.

Colombian, al. 71. United Mexican, 10/. 11/.