The King is taking the steps necessary to form a
new Cabinet. Earl GREY was summoned to the Palace immediately after the resignation of Ministers at the Levee on Wednesday. He visited the King twice on Thursday ; and held consultations with Lords LANSDOWNE, HOLLAND, MELBOURNE, JOHN RUSSELL, and Mr. ELLICE. Yesterday, Earl GREY, with Lords LANSDOWNE and MELBOURNE, were closeted with the King for upwards of two hours. At the time we write, nothing beyond these facts is pub- licly known.
But whatever may he the composition of the Ministry with regard to persons, it is certain that its principles must be thoroughly Liberal. Let the country be satisfied of the sin- cerity of the new Cabinet in the work of Reform, and there will be no unreasonable impatience for measures not absolutely urgent in point of time. There are some, however, which cannot be delayed. First, the Tithe question in Ireland must be set at rest far the present, on the principle of Lord JOHN RUSSELL'S resolution. Secondly, Municipal Reform must be pushed forward with vigour. Thirdly, the Reform Act must be fenced by all practicable securities for making the Representation as exten- sive, free, and real, as it was intended to be: the labours of the Committees now sitting on the subject of bribery and intimidation must not be thrown away : the expenses of elections must be reduced, and the registration of voters simplified. Should it be necessary to resort to another dissolution, the vast importance of the points here indicated will appear.
We hope that the talent and energy of our Representatives will be concentrated on these subjects, and not frittered away in abor- tive attempts at legislation on secondary matters, or on subjects the discussion of which might perhaps lead to divisions. Let all such be postponed to a more convenient season.