11 APRIL 1846, Page 10



The English Funds evinced a tendency to advance at the commencement of the week; the investments consequent upon the payment of the Dividends having given a slight impulse to prices. This upward movement was checked by the occurrence of some sales of Money Stock, and today the quotations were at one period * per cent below those of Wednesday: a slight improvement again occurred, and the closing quotations are 4 per cent below the highest. Notwith- standing.the decline of the revenue, the surplus of income over expenditure for the year ending the 5th January last is sufficient to admit of the application to pur- chases on behalf of the Sinking-fund of 954,4101. 2s. 9d during the present quarter: there will consequently be but little diminution in the amount of these purchases as compared with last quarter. The Dividends of the various Stocks which be- came due on the 6th are all now in course of payment, and the books are open for private transfer. In the early part of the week, the price of Three per Cents Re- duced was depressed, as compared with Three per Cent Consols; the difference between the two Stocks, which should be governed by the different amount of dividend due upon each, and therefore calculated at 4 per cent, having been 1 per cent. Reduced Three per Cents were consequently at one period * per cent cheaper than Consols- but the difference is now disa_ppearing. Money was in great demand in the Stock Exchange on Monday and Tuesday; but with the payment of the Dividends the pressure ceased. Scarcely any business of importance has occurred in the Foreign Funds. An attempt was made to sell Spanish Stock this morning; but the price went down without any sales having been effected: the dosing quotations of today are nomi- nally about 4 per cent below those of the commencement. No material change has occurred in the aspect of the Share Market, and there is no prospect of recovery for new Shares and Scrip. The Government measure to facilitate the stoppage of railway schemes, announced by Sir Robert Peel and farther explained by Lord Dalhousie, has been a subject of much discussion, and is as much lauded by one set of scripholders as condemned by another. The first and most favourable consequence of the bill will be the libera- tion of a lame mass of subscribed capital. Where the subscriptions to any railway scheme are those of parties really interested in carrying it out, the great majority of the Shares will be held by the original subscribers (what- ever be their market value) until the act is obtained at least, and proba- bly until the actual completion of the railway. The number of Shares in these boa fide undertakings afloat in the market will consequently be few.; and there will be no opportunity for the speculator who wishes to realize an immediate profit, or for the opposing company, who are anxious to get rid of a dangerous erous competitor, to purchase Scrip. Foreign Shares are all heavy, and some of the better French ones declining. .A trifling impulse was given this afternoon to the Shares of the Dutch Rhenish Company, in consequence of the satisfactory accounts of the progress of the un- dertaking submitted to the first meeting of the proprietors, held today. The ten- dency to improvement has, however, been checked by the fact that an immediate call of 1L per Share was announced.

SATURDAY, Two o'Czocx.

The English Funds close rather more firmly than in the morning. No material Change of business has occurred in the Foreign Funds. The Railway Share Mar- ket continues firm as regards the lines now completed and in work: the rest con- tinue depressed. Birmingham and Gloucester, 124 5; Direct Manchester, (Re- mington's,) 1; Ditto, (Rastrick's,) 14 4 ; Eastern Counties, 214 * 4; Ditto, New, 64; Great North of England, 211; Ditto, New, 574; Great Western, Half-shares, 844; London and Birmingham, 221 204 3 ; London and Blackwell, 74; London and Croy- don 21* 21; London and South-western, 767; London and York, 1* 4; Man- chester and Leeds, 121W Manchester and Birmingham 76; Midland, 145 4; Mid- land, Birmingham, and Derby, 116; Portsmouth Direct, li; Scottish Central, 134 14; South-eastern and Dover, 85; Ditto, New, No. 1, 14; Ditto, New, No. 2, Si; Ditto, New, No. 3, 134; Dutch-lihenish, 54 i 4; Great Northern of France, Constituted, 144; Namur and Liege, 14; Orleans and Bordeaux, 104 4; Rouen and Havre, 24; West Flanders, 24.

Spar Cent Consols 964 Columbian ex Venezuela. • • 16 17 Dittofor Account 964 Danish 3 per Cents 87 9

3 per Cent Reduced 954 4 Dutch 24 per Cents 594 I

34 per Cents 961 74 Ditto 4 per Cents. ex div• • . 924 f Long Annuities 10 1-16 Mexican 5 per Cents 314 2 Bank Stock 2064 6 Ditto Deferred 16 17 Exchequer Bills prem. 25 8 Portuguese New 5p. Cts.1841 579

India Stock 260 2 Ditto 4 per Cents 1845 • • • • 57 9

Brazilian 6 per Cents 80 2 Russian 5 per Cents 108 10

Belgian 44 per Cents 97 9 Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents 24454 Milian 6 per Cents .ex div 96 98 Ditto 3 Cents 1842 364 1


Every description of Stock, both Foreign and English, is at Thursday's prices; and the business transacted has been unimportant. The transactions in the Share Market are of a very general character, and indicate an improvement in the tone of the market; without, however, any material advance in prices, as will be seen by comparing the following with Thursday's quotations: Aberdeen, 2; Caledonian, 7 64; Chester and Holyhead, 174 ex dividend; Eastern Counties, 214 *; Great North of England, 211; Lancaster and Carlisle, 44; Birmingham, 221 204; Croydon, 214 21; South-western, 76; London and York, 14; Oxford, Worcester, and Wolverhampton, 84; Scottish Central, 134; South Midland, dis.; South-eastern and Dover, New, No. 2, 94; Welsh Midland, - 14 i; York and Carlisle, 14; Dutch-Rhenish, 54; East India, 4; Great Western d'Bengal, i; Orleans, Tours, and Bourdeatut, 104.