WAR-OPPICE, April 3.-Unattached-Capt. H. W. Paget, from 56th Regt. to be Major, by purchase, vice A. Forbes, who retires.
Brevet.-To be Majors in the Army-Capt. G. Rawlison, of the 1st West India Regt. ; Capt. J. V. Fletcher, of the 14th Foot ; Capt. W. Dungan, of the 10th Light Drags. 10th Light Drags.-Major J. C. Wallington to be Lieut.-Col., without purchase. To be Majors, without purchase-Capt. H. F. Bonham; Capt. J. Tritton, from 3d Light Drags. vice Wallington.
To be Captains, without purchase-Capt. W. Dungan, from half-pay unatt: ; Capt. W. P. Waugh, from 16th Light Drags. ; Lieut. T. Lloyd, from 4th Light Drags.; Lieut. M. Mirionough, vice Bonham.
To be Captain, by purchase-Lieut. R. H. S. Barry, vice Dungan, who retires.
To be Lieuts. without purchase-Lieut. E. Finch, from half-pay 13th Light Drags. ;
Lieut. It. Walsh, from 74th Foot ; Lieut. M. R. L. Mesmer, from 40th Foot ; Lieut. R. S. Parker, from 13th Foot ; Lieut. R. C. Holmes, from 95th Foot; Lieut. R. P. Smith, from 74th Foot ; Cornet C. P. Romer, from 14th Light Drags. ; Cornet T. Wirgmen, from 1st Drags. (Riding Master), vice M'Donough ; Cornet E. Shelley.
ro be Lieuts. by purchase-CornetJ. W. Thompson, from 3d Drag. Guards, vice Finch, who retires ; Comet W. M. Wardrop, vice Barry. 2b be Cornets, without purchase-Ensign C. 3I'Mahon, from 71st Foot ; RegL SergL- Major It. Clements; B. M. Giveen, Gent. ; B. A. Branfill, Gent; J. Drammond, Gent.; E. J. S. Blair, Gent.
To be Cornet, by purchase-T. Williams, Gent. vice Wardrop.
lb be Assist.-Surg.-Assist.-Sarg. J. E. Stephens, M.D., from 16th Light Drags.
8th Rep. of Foot-Major J. Longfield to be Lieut.-Col. without purchase ; Brevet Lient.-Col. J. Crowe, from half-pay nnatt. to be Major, vice Longlield ; Capt. E. H. Greathed to be Major, by purchase, vice Crowe, who retires ; Lieut. A. Leslie to be Capt. by purchase, vice Greathed.
2b be Lieuts. without purchase-Lient. J. B. Campbell, from lat West India Regt. ; Limit. R. W. Woods, from 224 Foot ; Lieut. T. G. Souter, from 224 Foot ; Lieut. T. Dowse, from 84th Foot ; Ensign C. P. Cobbe, from 88th Foot ; Ensign D. Beere, from. 20th Foot ; Ensign T. Aldridge; Ensign E. N. Sandllands, from 424 Foot ; Ensign G. Corry ; Ensign S. C. Craster.
To be Lieut. by purchase-Ensign E. R. Hannam vice Leslie.
To be Ensigns, without purchase-Ensign W. W. Pogson, from 64th Foot, vice Aid-
ridge; W. G. Daniel, Gent. vice Craster.
To be Ensign by purchase-F. D. Bourne, Gent. vice Hannam.
2b be Assist.-Surgs.-R. pomenichetti, M.D.; M. S. Johnston, M.D.
24th Foot-Major J. Stoyte to be Lieut.-Col. without purchase ; Capt. R. Marsh to
be Major, vice Stoyte.
To be Lieuts. without purchase-Lieut. S. Grant, from 57th Foot, vice Spring, pro- moted; Lieut. A. J. Macpherson, from 24 West India Rep,; Lieut. J. Stainforth, from the St. Helena Rest. ; Ensign C. Mackechnie, from 93d Foot; Ensign J. S. Payne ; En- sign G. Phillips, from 47th Foot; Ensign R. Rutledge • Ensign J. B. Thelwall ; Ensign and Adjt. W. Hartshorn ; Ensign the Hon. R. Handeck ; Ensign C. M. Drew.
2b be Ensigns, without purehare-0. B. Payne, Gent. vice J. S. Payne; J. A. Wood- gate, Gent. vice Ruttledge ; 'T. M. Greenslll, Gent. vice Thelwall; W. Phillips, Gent. vice Handcock ; H. C. B. Coils, Gent. vice Drew.
To be Assist.-Surgs.-W. Banbury, Gent. ; W. J. Furlonge, M.D.
323 Foot-Major J. T. 11111, to be Lieut.-Col. without purchase ; Brevet-Major G. Browne to be Major, vice Hill; Lieut. T. D. Kelly, to be Capt. vice Browne.
To be Lieut.& without purchase-Lieut. G. Jeffrey, from 3d West India Regt. ; Lieut.
R. S. Coils, from 39th Foot ; Lieut. W. Cumming, from 25th Foot ; Ensign J. H. We- myss, from 934 Foot ; Ensign J. Moore, from 77th Foot ; Ensign H. Trower, from 33d Foot; Ensign R. Medley; Ensign R. W. M. Kyrie; Ensign W. A. Birtwhistle ; Ensign J. W. Boissier.
To be Ensigns, without purchase-A. Bassano, Gent. vice Medley; B. Van Straubenzee, Gent. vice M. Kyrie; J. Swinburn, Gent. vice Birtwhistie ; W. Power, Gent. vice Boissier.
To be Assist.-Surgs.-A. P. Cahill, M.D.; J. Dunlop, M.D. Brevel.-Lieut.-Cols. to be Aides-de-Camp to the Queen, with the rank of Col, in the Army-The Hon. T. Ashburnham, 623 Foot ; C. C. Taylor, 29th Foot ; C. R. Cureton, 16th Light Drags. • M. White, 34 Light Drags. Maiors to be Lieut.-Cols. in the Army-J. W. Nunn, 80th Foot ; W.. T. Shorts, 624 Foot; G. Congreve, 29th Foot ; C. W. M. Balder% 3d Light Drags. Capt.. to be Majors in the Army-J. Tritton, 3d Light Drags. ; J. R. B. Hale, 3d Light Drags. • C. F. HaveMek, 9th Foot ; A. Berton, 9th Foot ; A. St. G. H. Stepney, 29th Foot; The Hon. C. R. S. West, 21st Foot ; J. Garvock, 31st Foot ; E. Lugard, 31st Fad; B. Fisher, 31 Light Drags. Lieut.-Cols. to be Aides-de-camp to the Queen, with the rank of LW, in the Army in the East Indies-H. M. Wheeler, 48th Bengal Native Infantry ; 3. Ilaclaren, 16th Grena- dier Bengal Native Infantry. Majors to be Lieut.-Cols. in the Army in the East Indies-H. Sibbald, 41st Bengal Na- tive Infantry ; L. S. Bird, 24th Bengal Native Infantry ; W. Alexander, 5th Bengal Light Cavalry ; W. H. Wake, 44th Bengal Native Infantry; D. Birrell, lat Bengal European Regt. ; K. R. Osborn, 54th Bengal Native Infantry ; R. Codrington 49th Bengal Native Infantry ; T. Polwhele, 423 Bengal Native Infantry ; I. H. Hand;comb, 26th Bengal Native Infantry ; P. Grant, 59th Bengal Native Infantry ; R. I. H. Birch, 17th Bengal Native Infantry; F. Brhsd, Bengal Horse Artillery ; G. Campbell, Bengal Horse Artillery ; P. Innes, 14th Bengal Native Infantry ; J. G. W. Curtis, 37th Bengal Native Infantry.
Copts. to be Majors in the Army in the East Indies-P. °Iranian 1st Bengal Light Ca-
vary; 8. Nash, 4th Bengal Light Cavalry ; R. Houghton, 634 Bengal Native Infantry; E. Garbett, Bengal Artillery; J. L. Taylor, 26th Bengal Light Infantry ; E. F. Day, Bengal Artillery ; W. B. Thomson, 67th Bengal Native Infantry ; It. Horsford, Bengal Artillery ; R. Napier, Bengal Engineers; F. W. Anson, 18th Bengal Native Infantry; J. R. Pond, 1st Bengal European Light Infantry ; C. E. Mina, Bengal Artillery ; G• Johnston, 46th Bengal Native Infantry ; G. Carr, 21st Bens al Native Infantry ; C. .1.
F. Burnett, 23 Bengal European Regt. ; P. Hay, 54th Bengal Native Infantry ; W. B. Holmes, 12th Bengal Native Infantry; 2ftneas J. Mackay, 16th Bengal Native Infan- try; R. T. Sandeman, 334 Bengal Native Infantry ; G. Short, 45th Bengal Native In- fantry; H. Palmer, 48th Bengal Native Infantry ; D. IOU, 47th Bengal Native Infan- try-; G. H. Swhiley, Bengal Artillery ; A. Macdougall, 795 Bengal Native Infantry ;
A. 31. Becher, 61st Bengal Native Infantry; J. F. Egerton, Bengal Artillery ; J. Christie, 3d Bengal Lightravalry.
OFFICE OP ORDNANCE, April 2.-Royal Regt. Artillery-To be Col.-Commandant- Major-Gen. the Hon. W. H. Gardiner.
Lieut.-Cols, to be Lieut.-Cols.-G. Cobbe ; A. C. Mercer. • Brevet-Majors to be Cols.-T. Sandilands, vice Cobbe ; B. Willis, vice Mercer ; B. H.
V. Arbuckle ; T. G. Higgins ; T. F. StrangwaYs•
See. Copts. to be Capts.-W. F. Williams, vice Sandihurds ; J. G. Walker, vice Willis ; H. J. Morris, vice Arbuckle ; R. M. Poulden, vice Higgins; 3. M`Coy, vice Strang- Ways; E. F. Grant ; J. W. Mitchell ; G. J. Ilereaford ; R. F. Crawford ; J. St. George ; W. B. Nedharn ; A. R. Fraser; E. C. Warde. Pivot Lieuts, to be Second Capts.-A. G.. Burrows, vice W. F. Williams ; M. C. Marston, vice Walker ; E. Price, vice Morris ; C. C. Young, vice Poulden ; J. W. DOM; Mlle, vice 31"Voy ; E. Warehouse, vice Grant; G. A. Maude, vice Mitchell ; 3. 11... Cator, vice Beresford; J. Harvey, vice Crawford; E. Mabetiy, vice St. George ; H..
G. Rom, vice Nedham ; J. R. Domvile, vice Frazer ; W. M. H. Dixon, vice Wards ; Hon. F. Savile ; H. W. 3fontresor; W. M. D. Wilton; C. Dickson ; Hon. R. C. 11. Spencer; H. J. Thomas ; G. Graydon ; A. Oldfield ; H. P. Christie.
Second bleeds. to be First Lieuts.--G. Colelough, vice Burrows ; T. W. Milwerd, dee Marston ; II. L. Chumside, vice Price ; A. T. Blakely, vice C. C. Young; R. E. F. Craufurd, vice J. W. Domvile ; F. W. C. Ord, vice Wodehouse ; W. C. L. Blosse, Vice Mande; W. S. Hughes, vice Cater; M. B. Fords, Mee Harvey; W. T. Barnett, vice Maher!),; A. E. H. Anson, vice Ross ; S. E. Gordon, vice J. R. Domvfle ; S. G. Stubbs, vice Dixon ; 3.0. Boothby, vice Hon. F. Savile ; C. N. Lovell, vice Montresor ; 3, F. E. Travers, vice Wilian ; Hon. E. T. Gage, vice Dickson ; N. S. K.. Bayly, vice Spen- cer; G. Barstow, vice Thomas; G. Leslie, vice Graydon ; A. M. Archdall, vice Old- field ; C. Wright, vice Christie; J. E. Thring ; W. M. King ; H. L. F. Greville ; S. E. B. Swinny ; H. Bent ; F. R. Glanville; n.j. W. Jervis; J. S. W. Atkinson ; W. L. Dumaresq ; G. Le M. Tapper ; H. Heyman; A. Dew ; G. S. Robertson ; E. H. East ; D. E. Haste; E. Tasvrell.
1b be Quarter-Master--Sergt.-Major 3. Frebarn. Sec. Capt. H. S. Tireman to be Capt. 'SIGS Elgee, retired on hill pay ; First Lieut. J. B. Dennis to be Sec. Capt. vice Theman ; Sec. Lieut. E. B. Winterbottom to be First Lieut. vice Dennis.
Corps of Royal Engineers-To be Ca-Commandant-Major-Gen. Sir G. Whitmore., 11.C.31, Lieut.-Cols. to be Cols.-0. Graydon, K.H. ; R. Thomson.
Brevet-Majors to be Lieut.-Cols.-P. Cole, vice Graydon ; E. Matson, vice Thomson ; 3. C. Victor ; C. Grierson ; T. H. Fenvrick ; L. A. Hail; P. Yule. See. Capes. to be Capb.-0. St. V. Whitmore, vice Cole; H. Servants, vice Matson; H. 0. Crawley, vice Victor ; T. Tides, vice Grierson ; J. Walpole, vice Fenwick ; T. A. Larcom, vice Hall ; St. A. Molesworth ; E. Frome ; 11. Howarth ; C. E. Wilkinson ; W. T. Renwick; T. H. Rimington ;W. ED. Broughton ; B. .1. Nelson ; G. Burgmarm. Brevet-Majors to be Capts.-E. Vicars, vice Yule ; E. Aldrich.
First Lieuts, to be Sec. Capts.-M. Dill, Viet. Whitmore ;J. Fellowes, vice Servant° ; G. B. G. Downes, vice Crawley ; P. J. Bahffirigge, vice Twin ; A. P. G. Ross, vice Walpole ; J. C. Burmeeter, vice Larcom; E. Ogle, vice Vicars ; C. M'Causland, vice Moleaworth ; J. Cameron, vice Wilkinson ; 3.8. Hawkins, vice Wilkinson ; JAL Freeth, vice Rep. wick ; C. D. Robertson, vice RimIngton ; C. Fanahawe, Mee Broughton; F. E. Chap- man, vice Nelson ; T. Fenwiek, vice Aldrich ; T. Webb ; J. It. ripen; W. H. Roberts; G. F. Mann ; S. Westmacott ; C. A. Broke ; C. E. Stanley ; W. C. Menzies. Sec. Lieuts. to be First Lieuts.-F. Fowke, vice Dill ; C. It. Binney, vice Fellows!; F.
H. Rich, vice Downes ; F. R. Chesney, vice Bainbrigge ; T. A. L. Murray, vice Ross; H. N. Penrice, vice Burmeater ;.W. L. Morrison, vice Ogle ; A. C. Cooke, vice M'Cater- land ; T. Inglis, vice Cameron ; B. H. Martindale, vice Hawkins ; C. 8. Hutchinaon, vice Freeth ; H. Wray, vice Robertson ; C. Pasley, vice Fanshawe ; J. Stokes, dee Chapman ; W. R. G. Hickey, vice Fenwick ; A Clarke, vice Webb ; F. Du Cane, VICK Pipon ; It. D. Kerr, TICS Roberts; J. Y. Moggridge, vice Mann; F. Roe, vice Wei:tom- cat ; J. G. Jarvis, vice Broke ; H. W. Tyler, vice Stanley ; J. C. B. De Butts, vies Menzies; W. S. Since; 0.8. Tilly; E. Stanton; C. C. Chesney ; E. C. De Moleyns ; L. J. A. Amin.; C. B. Ewart ; C. B. P. N. H. Nugent; E. Belfield ; Hon. G. Wrottealey; St. A. SL John ; E. C. A.. Gordon ; W. Porter ; J. J. Wilson ; G. F. Dawson; G. 51.3. Crofton..
WAR-OFFICE, April 6.-24th Regt. of Foot-Lieut. R. W. Travers, to be Capt. with- out purchase, vice Marsh, promoted ; Lieut. It A. Croker, from the 57th Foot, to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Mason, promoted. 733 Foot-Major-Gen. Sir J. Grey. K.C.B. to be Col. vice Major-Gen. Sir R. H. Dick, K.C.B. killed in action.
Unattached-Lieut. J. 3d. Maaon, from the 24th Foot, to be Capt. without purchase. Brevet-Col. Sir M. G. Smith, K.C.B. on half-pay unattached, to have the local rank of Major-Gen. in the East Indies. Staff-Col, C. It. Cureton, of the 16th Light Drags. to be Adjt.-Gen. to the Queen's Forces serving in the East Indies, vice Sir II. G. Smith, K.C.B. placed on the staff sea Major-Gen. ADMIRALTY, April 7.-Corps 'of Royal Marines-First Lieut. and Quartermaster C. to be Capt. vice Dwyer, trancferred to the Artillery Companies of the Corps ; First Lieut, 11. Bremer, to be Capt. vice Logan, transferred to the Artillery Companies of the Corps ; Second Lieut. H. 0.5. Davies, to be First Lieut. vice Miller, promoted; Second Lieut. R. V. Allen, to be First Lieut. vice Bremer, promoted.