There has been increased firmness in the market for Home
Stocks during the week, although the amount of business passing has been only moderate. We quote Consols 931 to 1, both for delivery and the 5th of May ; Reduced and New Three per Cents., 91i to 92 ; Exchequer Bills, 13s. to 18s. prem. Indian Securities have been in limited request, but values remain unchanged. It has been announced that in future the dividends on these stocks will be paid without closing the transfer books, thus adopting the plan at present in operation in regard:to the Home Debt. The Railway Market has ruled quiet, and the quotations are without any change of importance. The discount rates in the open market have, therefore, declined k to } per cent., best short paper being now taken at 11 to f per cent. The stock :of;bullion in the Bank of England is now 20,825,0771.; in the Bank of France, 45,137,0001.