To as EDITOR Or TRI " SPECTATOR:1 SIR,—In the portion of my letter originally quoted in the Spectator of March 14th, were the words :—" Nearly twenty thousand horses are said to be sacrificed annually in this way at Bordeaux." It is very difficult to arrive at the exact number, but I gave the lowest I had beard. Since my letter appeared I have received three corrections, one saying I had under- stated the number by five thousand, another by ten thousand, and the other mentioning no number, but saying ray statistics were too low. I am now trying to find out the exact number, and if successful I will write again. But whether the number is thirty, twenty-five, or twenty thousand, or even fifteen thousand, the horror to the minds of most people will remain nearly the same.—I am, Sir, &c., Walton-on-Thantes, March 30th. M. HADDEN.